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When would the fry start eating?

Posted: 28 Sep 2004, 19:15
by NotNoisy
I have a batch of L046, aproximate development stage day 18 according to this link: development

I know they are not ready to start eating before the youlk sack is gone, but would be glad to hear from somebody that successfully reared this fish that knows aproximately what age they're ready to feed. I'm unsure if they're ready or not.


Posted: 30 Sep 2004, 00:33
by kkorotev
Feed them now...and remember that young'uns need less meat than adults. Live brine shrimp are not enough for the long haul. If your diet is unbalanced, they'll start to tip over for no apparent reason after the second month or so.
I swear by pure spirulina powder dusted on/or into whatever you feed them. It's high protein and green.
Good Luck.

That is my opinion.
I am often wrong.
Kevin Korotev