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Don't unplug the heater

Posted: 27 Sep 2004, 09:41
by Griparn
I was changing water in my tank this weekend and forgot to plug the heater in again when I was done. Next day when I was feeding my fishes I didn't see much activity. Then I checked the temperature at 23 C. That's a 5 C decreasing! :shock:

Now everything is back to normal and the fishes seems to have handled it well.

Have any other experienced something similar?

Posted: 27 Sep 2004, 22:54
by WhitePine
I have my heater, filters and lights on the same powerstrip... when I do a water change they all get shut off with one switch. It's pretty hard to forget to turn it back on as the filter and lights won't come on with out it being switched back on. Almost fool proof.

Posted: 29 Sep 2004, 22:32
by Zebby
Yes its a pain, but you must turn off all electrical appliances that are in the tank (not external filters)before putting hands in.

Just a safety point from someone who has learnt the hard way..