Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
I have both L-52 and L-168 but mine L-168 are cought in Rio branco instead of Rio demini in Rio negro's tributary, I dont have the location for my L-52 more then they are shipped out from Colombia. Mine L-52's never shows any sharp colour like the L-168 and looks always bleach compared to them.
I believe there is disagreement here over the ID of this fish. I have recently contacted HH, Janne and Shane over the correct ID (sorry to hijack your thread, Jorge) and even the CAT-eLOG on this site contradicts one or two of these gentleman's opinions. The AQUALOG may be listing both fish as L52...or?
Are these really just opinions or is there an ANSWER found in the visual appearance alone?
I have 2 that I got from different sources quite some distance apart and also over a year apart.
At first the fish both displayed very distinct stripes and a lot of contrast. This was held even when the fish was stressed or moved from light to dark. At the time these fish were about 3".
Now, after having had the fish for several years I find that they have gotten longer (5-6") and tend to "lose" the color and contrast when hidden away. The markings, when the fish are visible with light are more broken up with some spots - not just stripes.
Having observed this I am wondering if the L-168 could be a juvenile form of the L-052?