Panaque SP?

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Panaque SP?

Post by Ben »

Hey folks, sorry to say I haven't been around these parts much lately. Been moving around a lot, and am finally getting my life back in order. That being said, Today I picked up this little beauty, and I'm in need of some assistance. I'm almost certain I'm dealing with a panaque of some sort. The mouth, and odontodes, not to mention body shape got me that far. He is about 4", and had come in with a shipment of L104. When I first saw him in the pet shop, his body was almost black, showing no stripes, with the dark and orange stripes showing just on the fins, so I'm guessing what he's showing now is more stress colouration on the body. I'm leaning most towards LDA68 right now...

I'm a little out of practice with this, so if anyone can give me a hand, it would be much appreciated :)


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Post by Erwin »

Hi Ben,

Are you sure it was L104 with what it came along? Because the fish on your picture reminds me a lot on some exraordinarily colored specimens of L206/L226/LDA26 (pictures in new Aqualog p.158, 3.row on the right, 4.row on the left), but these come along with L204.

The difference are the lines on the snout, while they are tiny dots and comma shaped stripes in L226. These would be also the differences against LDA68, which you guessed as close look alike. In adult LDA68 has the snout no lines at all, while they are in juveniles interrupted by broader bands.

Well, your fish might also be something new, which we (at least me) have not seen before.

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Post by Ben »

Hi Erwin,

It was indeed p. maccus that this fellow came in with. They were all very small when they arrived, and at that time looked very much the same. This guy quickly outgrew the little clowns. Unfortunately I don't own a copy of Aqualog to see the pic you are refering to. Looking at the l226 pics in the Cat-eLog, the stripes on thew hole body really look too small, and were that he were a l226, he would be close to full grown at his current size, and would have the small stripes on the snout you mentioned. The existance of odontodes also suggests to me that this fish is relitively mature, so I'm assume we are seeing adult markings.

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Post by Erwin »

All right, here comes the pictures. Especially similar is the golden shining stripe below the eyes in direction to the snout.


Variant of L206/L226/LDA26, and shipped together with those.
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