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Oto looks like it's starving
Posted: 19 Sep 2004, 18:13
by thegirlundertherainbow
I have 5 Ottos left in my 20 gal (lost a few initially either to fin rot of the tail, OR the skunk botias, who were given away). This is a well established 20 gal with lotsa algae, and they are well fed (brine shrimp/frozen omnivore/bloodworms/sinking pellets/flake). All otos look great except one. Thinking internal parasites of some kind? second prob being, this tank also has a pair of kribs with their babies ..and plants, so really need to isolate it if I need to treat..
Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 04:11
by Beersnob
Is your aquarium well planted? Otos really like algae. Zucchini or peas may be a good supplement. Take the vegies (slice zuchini or cucumbers) add water. Nuke in microwave. place in tank....Within 2 to 3 days no more vegies.
Other thoughts are you feeding them any algae disks?
My last question is this a reputable LFS or a "megamart?" I have had problems with otos from the "megamarts" but the otos from a reputable LFS while more expensive are much more healthier and therefore last along time.
I hope this helps
Beersnob (Scott)
Not "megamart" otos lol
Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 05:18
by thegirlundertherainbow
This Megamart doesn't even carry Otos..and my LFS is very nice..and only charges $1.99 for them..
I got some other otos, too , right about the same time..13..for my big tank. They've done great..
I occasionally give a disk..more often I feed frozen omnivore that has some algae in it. There is still a good algae problem in the tank. Haven't done veggies yet..till try that.
Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 05:41
by Ben
for a tiny catfish, an otto eats an astounding ammount. If you have 13 of them in a 20 gallon tank, you had best break out the cucumber and algae wafers. I have had 2 ottos keep a 20 gallon algae free, and still had to feed them extra.
Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 16:03
by jurassic_pork
Oto's love algae wafers and lettuce IMO,All my oto's are well fed and show this,Oto's will spend ages rasping on algae wafers if other fish allow this.
sorry to make a confusing post
Posted: 24 Sep 2004, 04:06
by thegirlundertherainbow
the 13 are in my 125 gal. I just have 5 in my 20 gal.