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Sturisoma foods

Posted: 19 Feb 2003, 04:47
by vulkoq
Will sturisoma eat algae wafers? Any particualr veggies they like more than others? What's the best food for a specimen that lives in a tank with very strong algae growth, to balance its diet?
I'm not sure which species it is.

Posted: 19 Feb 2003, 10:16
by Sid Guppy
I've kept S aureum (it has a new name, but I'll stick to aureum for now), and S barbatum; next to algae they liked:
-peas!!! NOT from a tincan (too messy, too slimy) but from the freeze.
-spinache; also from the freeze
-cucumber, broccoli, courgette; fresh and weighted.
-spirulina tabs of any brand
-krill and mysis from the freeze
-bloodworms, daphnia's and gammarus from the freeze
-bogwood; the softer kinds.
I think the main trick isa supply them with all kinds of food (another day; another food); make sure there's always plenty veggo/fibers in it; grow some live plants, put in some bogwood etc

and, VERY important; watch the other fishes!! Sturi's are slow and peaceful; competition by other fish or aggression and finpicking hurts them a LOT more than forgetting the bloodworms or feeding cucumber instead of broccoli....

Posted: 19 Feb 2003, 17:52
by vulkoq