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synodontus in 10 gal tank?

Posted: 03 Sep 2004, 18:48
by ellagor
I am going to be setting up a 10 gallon tank in the next few weeks. For occupants, I am going to be adding a pair or trio of shell dwelling cichlids, and was wondering if there are any synos that would be comfortable in this size tank. I have seen synodontus petricola suggested, but am not sure if I would be able to find them. If anyone has any suggestions of readily available synos for this tank, it would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance. :D

Posted: 03 Sep 2004, 18:56
by Silurus
Most synos grow too large for a 10-gallon, and there are none that would be suitable for the kind of habitat you are planning to set up.