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Tank mates for L-046 (zebra's)

Posted: 10 Aug 2004, 08:45
by clint8
Hi people,

Just wondering if there are any suggestions out there for tank mates for these gorgeous specimen's. At the moment they are on their own but would like to put in other L no's. to promote more activity.
Only worry is the temp and waterflow in the tank. I run my temp at about 30C and the tank turns over 10 times.
Any suggestions welcomed.

Thanks in advance,
Clint :D

Posted: 10 Aug 2004, 16:42
by ZebraPleco
I keep my zebras with 3 clown pleco, 1 L147 and an L014 (goldy pleco). But it is only temporary, untill I get a decent setup for my zebras only. The zebras are just too timid, they even get push around by smaller pleco. So when it's feeding time, they usually are the last to eat ... which isn't much.
If you do plan to keep then with the other plecos, keep this in mind. Personally, I'd prefer them to be on their own so I can fatten them up and see them more healthy.
Edit: oh almost forgot, also keep in mind that the other plecos grows faster and way bigger than the zebras. So even your zebras are the top boss plecos, it's only temporary.

Posted: 11 Aug 2004, 02:52
by ClayT101
I assume that there is some strongish current in the aquarium, so you will need to go with something that has a "sleek" body style. I like neon tetras or rummy nose tetras, plus they will hopefully leave the zebras food alone. You could also try some hatchet fish, but I have never tried mixing them with zebras.