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Digestive problems? (e-cat)

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 01:06
by Stab
Ok, so I got me a 4-5" electric cat on Wednesday. He's been fed exclusively tubiflex at the store but I wouldn't have any of that :razz: Switching him over to prawn was no problem at all. I dropped 2 small pieces in his tank Wednesday night, and although he didn't react at first, both chunks were gone in the morning.

On Thursday, when I came home from work, I noticed the fish is aggitated. He was swimming all over the tank, digging gravel like a buldozer, and practically jumping out. My presence didn't bother him at all, if anything, he would get even more active when I approached. So I thought that perhaps he is hungry. I quickly defrosted, peeled and cut 2 large prawns, figuring that whatever he won't eat will go to my bichir (in a different tank). Well, wadda ya know?! Little bastard ate it all! He literally vacuumed the floor, jumping on the pices as soon as they hit the water!

Last night I expected the same reaction, but he totally ignored food, I noticed his belly looked lumpy, as if he just fed. It is still the same today, and although I haven't tried to feed him, he is not displaying behavior I witnessed Wednesday night.

Shoul I be concerned at this point? Do they have a super slow metabolism or something, therefore taking 2 days to digest food? He looks the same, acts normally, and water is good (I did a 50% change yesterday). Any suggestions?

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 03:28
by Silurus
Wait a couple more days to see if it'll get its appetite back.

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 04:56
by Sharkman
It could be that it was just really hungry and is full now.
Also Stab, you don't have to peel those prawns, the shells have nutrients in them.

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 05:08
by Rusty
I usually let my M. electricus go for a couple of days between his small feedings. These fish are no worse for wear on a very lax feeding regime.


Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 05:24
by Stab
Not to peel prawns?! I've been doing that for all my bottom feeders out of fear they may choke on shell. Are you absolutely sure leaving hells on can have no ill effects on the fish? Also, dos that apply to any fish, or just cats?