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Sick albino cory with bloody spots

Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 01:39
by Fiskars the Whiskers
Yesterday I was at a friend of mine's house. They have a nice-looking 20 gallon tank that houses some great-looking fish, including a usually-spry, 3" long, fat albino cory. The fish is usually doing regular cory things throughout the tank, but this time I noticed it was hiding under a leaf and breathing fast. When I got up close to it to see it better I noticed it was speckled with tiny bloody spots. We tested the water and the pH was 7.0 and ammonia 0, temp was 76. They don't have nitrite or nitrate test kits. What could cause this to happen to the fish? I offered the use of my quarantine tank, but I'm wondering what to do next to help? Is there something I can treat the fish with? I'd hate to see this cory die because I love going to my friend's house and seeing this great, tubby cory, so any information would be great. Thanks a bunch!!

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 19:22
by Fiskars the Whiskers
I have some Maracyn 2. Would something like this help? The fish is still the same and is very uncomfortable-looking. :cry:

Posted: 11 Aug 2004, 11:16
by mkeanem
if you find what has caused it please let me know as lost 3 expensive cory's to somthing simalar last week and could not the cause

Posted: 11 Aug 2004, 16:40
by Fiskars the Whiskers
Unfortunately I usually rely on coming here for my main information. I couldn't find anything online. I searched for "fish with bloody spots" and "bloody fish spots," stuff like that, but I couldn't find anything. :( I'm really bummed out about the fish. He was awesome.

bloody spotts

Posted: 03 Oct 2004, 04:07
by Amanda_Allyammi
Did the fish die?

Posted: 16 Oct 2004, 21:41
by T
I lost a pepper cory the other week to this same illness I would also like info.

Posted: 17 Oct 2004, 00:22
by kkorotev
I have had Corydoras die from something I call "The Red Streak of Death". It does not manifest as spots as much as bloody streaks. It appears on wild imports more than suddenly appearing on a well established tank fish.
I have used FURACYN (an anti parasitic containing NITROFURAZONE) to some degree of success. I suggest you isolate the fish.

Good Luck,