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Need help tank overhall

Posted: 09 Jul 2004, 12:27
I am thinking of a major move around in my big tank .
Reasoning for this is my catfish are digging under my driftwood and there is a good chance of being trapped.
I am about a buy some rare cats and i dont what them to have any chance of being caught.
My thoughts so far on how to do it are:
Now in AUS winter tap water is around 20deg - ph7.3
- 1/3 water change at this time remove fish into smaller tank same water conditions ex main tank
- move plants out
- reset gravel levels and place smaller rocks behind driftwood to stop cave- ins and bury wood in gravel
- run for about hour without fish only filters

Current tank conditions 7/7/2004
- 27deg
- Ph 7.0
- KH - 1
-GH - 6
-Nitrite - 0
- Ammonia - 0
The tank is a South American theme
and my cats
Normal stuff to top tank back up

Wall :?

Posted: 10 Jul 2004, 00:28
by magnum4
Unless this tank is very big i am of the opinion that it's got a dangerously low KH. that is to say your pH could crash any second, there are not many reasons to maintain a KH this low.

besides that the move you describe sounds fine.

Posted: 10 Jul 2004, 06:56
Thanks Magnum4 for your comments
KH does move around 1-4 week to week
Ph has been stable for about 4 weeks so far at 7 but it also ranges between 7-7.3
