Breeding corydoras Schwartzi

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Breeding corydoras Schwartzi

Post by bf »

I'm looking for information on breeding corydoras schwartzi. Any tips on how to trigger spawning on these ( if it's possible at all in captivity )?

I've breed some other corydoras and have got a group of six wild caught corydoras shcwartzi which I would like to breed as well, but can't find any good information on the topic.

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Post by smilingSyno »

I have five schwartzis, they are some of my favorite cories and looked for info about breeding them too. Couldn't find anything either, some web sites say C. schwartzi has never been successfully bred in captivity and all the specimens you see at the stores are wild caught. They are seasonal too and I could never find any at the stores at other times of the year so that tells me they are not commercially bred. But who knows you could be the first one! I'm no expert, probably someone else has better info for you. Good luck anyway.
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Post by Coryman »


I bred C. schwartzi in April 1998. It is one of the 65 Cory species I have bred that are featured in my book ' Breeding Corydoradinae catfish'.

They are not the easiest I have bred, in fact they spawned in a community tank in the company of perhaps another 15 or 20 species. It was fortunate that they were still spawning when I went into the fish hous that day otherwise the other tank mates would have soon made short work of the eggs once they found them.

The breeding group consisted of 3 malesand 1 female but only one male took part, so I determined that in future it should be possible to breed them in pairs. I would still advocate buying at least 6 (4 males-2 females) as it often nees more than 1male to coax a female into spawning mood.


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Post by bf »

Thanks for your answer Ian.

I browsed the web after posting this message and found on the subject, I've ordered it on amazon so I will have it in a couple of weeks I guess. I will get the details from the book then.

But, I sill have one question. Now I have six schwartzis, but I cannot determine the sex of them. To me they all look like females, but I don't think that's the case. How can I tell the sexes apart on these?

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Post by Coryman »

They are not the easiest but when they are in good condition the females will always look plumper. I you can look at them from above the males will be widest at the pectoral finf but the females will be wides at the ventral fins.

There is a post today about sexing Cory's and Jools has posted a picture there showing exactly what I have just described.

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