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Live food

Posted: 25 Jun 2004, 21:53
by ZeroZ

I do really want some live food for my Corydoras, I've been looking here in Sweden but it seems hopeless...

I've also looked at some bug/worm selling sites, but all are from the US and the shipping costs would be very high.
Don't they have any bugfarms in Europe?
Or the best would be if I could buy from anyone of you guys!

I would specially like to have:

Grindalworms and Whiteworms!


Posted: 25 Jun 2004, 22:27
by Graeme
How i cultivate whiteworms (which is class food) is by using a plastic bowl filled with water and a wooden board across the top, covering any sun light from hitting the water. And under the Peace of wood i squash Bread onto the underside of the wood. (water line must touch bread) This bowl must be placed where it has maximum sun light. I normally start cultivating in spring but now is also good. When it turns to Green water it's best for cultivating "white worms" and it should last the whole summer of food for fishes!


Posted: 25 Jun 2004, 22:46
by ZeroZ
Thx for the reply, yes I know how to cultivate them. You don't want to sell some?

Posted: 26 Jun 2004, 00:24
by corybreed
I am sure if you contact some Killifish keepers in Sweden you can obtain worm starter cultures.


Posted: 26 Jun 2004, 10:14
by ZeroZ
Im afraid I don't know any Killi keeper here in Sweden. The best would be if anyone near Sweden could send some. Like from UK, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Germany, Netherlands and so on..

Posted: 27 Jun 2004, 16:48
by macquatic
:wink: Emailed you with info on a supplier. :wink: Mac.

Posted: 29 Jun 2004, 13:01
by Kongo
ZeroZ wrote:Im afraid I don't know any Killi keeper here in Sweden. The best would be if anyone near Sweden could send some. Like from UK, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Germany, Netherlands and so on..
On this page there are several of killi-keepers.and i'm sure if you are patient,you will get reply from one or two.

Posted: 01 Jul 2004, 22:58
by Jeff B.
Sorry for interupting... but, isn' whiteworms to fat for regular feeding... i mean that they can couse sterilization to cory's at one point if you feed them to much... this is just my info from one vet!!!
BTW what about live tubifex?? clean, all washed away... from your local... damn it... how do you say CREEK!! from your local creek??

Posted: 02 Jul 2004, 02:10
by Graeme
Who says regular feeding?

And Tubifex? i wouldn't feed it to any living organism!


Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 09:18
by Jeff B.
Graeme, can you share your knowledge/experience about live tubifex??
i know that tubifex are "full of parasites" but you could be wrong here... i catch them on my creek and i can say i have only good exp with them... advice on feeding them to my breeding fishes are given to me by a vet! :wink:

Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 16:52
by Graeme
It's all about preferences Jeff B. I have mine and you have yours.

Great thing is we can discuss it with everyone. :wink:



Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 16:59
by Coryologist
Hi. Feeding live tubifex - regardless of the source is playng "Russian Roulette" with your tanks. You can feed them 100 times with no problem, but that 101st time has the potential to kill every fish you have. I speak from personal experience. Go with Hikari frozen bloodworms. The absolute best product on the market for your Corys, with the exception of live CA blackworms. Feed tubies at your own risk - which I reitterate - is quite substantial. - Frank/Guppyman

Posted: 04 Jul 2004, 10:11
by Jeff B.
Thanx Graeme and Guppyman, i am aware of risk...but you know how it goes... if you don't have any live food around, then tubifex are good...
...when i get better worms, tubifex will be history...

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 11:46
by Graeme
I dont know if you have found a supplier ZeroZ but i found this site and thought i'd let you know.
