cat of the month suggestion

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cat of the month suggestion

Post by Zack »

I was checking out some facts of some fish(tetras) on a couple of other sites and i noticed on some they have it settup so the readers can add info or their personal fealings on a particular fish to the page. Just wondering what you guys think??
55 gallon
11 pygmy cories
8 neon tetras
1 banjo
4 black neons
4 otos
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Post by Silurus »

I think the provision has already been made for adding info: just email it to Jools and he'll put it up in the cat-eLog entry.
Not sure that it would be good to add one's opinions about particular fishes. You are sure to get conflicting reports. After all, one man's meat is another man's poison.
Besides, not having so many people directly involved kinda helps the website from getting too screwed up.
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Dave Rinaldo
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Post by Dave Rinaldo »

Thank you Heok Hee!
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Post by Zack »

Good point
55 gallon
11 pygmy cories
8 neon tetras
1 banjo
4 black neons
4 otos
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