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What fish can I put with my RTC ?

Posted: 12 Jun 2004, 20:27
by fvandier
Hi, I'll be moving my 2 RTC to a new bigsize tank shortly, and I'm wondering which kind of fish I can put with them safely (i.e. for them not to turn into live food immediately)?

It should definitely grow big enough & quickly enough, and should optimally live in the upper and mid water zone to get some aquarium activity above the catfish too.
Any ideas ?

I need to mention that I feed my RTC live fish, hence they are used to hunting (read: swallowing) live fish on a continuous basis. Before you jump on this stating that such is not necessary and dangerous to bring parasites into the tank, I do need to say that:
(1) the live feeder fish are put in quarantine for 2 - 3 weeks before being fed
(2) switching to feeder fish did wonders for the smaller one of my RTC. It didn't really like any other (dead) food, and was seriously lagging behind in eating rate versus his mate (and therefore growing much slower too)..
(3) my catfish are now much more active than they were before, which means they come out of their shelter much more easily, however they do prefer only subtle lighting

Kindest regards,


Posted: 12 Jun 2004, 20:51
by Silurus
Any ideas ?
Pacus, or large SA cichlids. For something like that to work in the long term, you would need a really large tank.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 20:19
by velocity
yes or peacock bass. What size tank will they go in?