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RED veil tail bristlenose

Posted: 06 Jun 2004, 19:47
by davidkozak
Anyone see any of these in person?? ... 1087006456

Are they for real? or is it some sortof color-feeding??

Posted: 06 Jun 2004, 19:58
by Silurus
I think they are just partially amelanistic versions of this.

Posted: 06 Jun 2004, 20:08
by pleco_breeder

I have several breeders of this fish. They are real. their color does fade a bit if not fed constantly, but no special foods are required. Here is a pic of one of my young males.

Larry Vires

Posted: 06 Jun 2004, 20:44
by davidkozak
pl*co_breeder wrote:
their color does fade a bit if not fed constantly, but no special foods are required.

Larry Vires
What do you feed them?? Do they throw fry that are all that color? or a percentage?
My apologies for the scepticism, having raised discus and seen the shenanigans that go on in the discus world, I almost automatically suspect that anything colorful is fed with something.

Posted: 07 Jun 2004, 03:31
by pleco_breeder

I have a homemade recipe I feed my ancistrus, pure spirulina tablets, and the occasional treat of zucchini. I haven't raised any fry from the LF strain yet, but kept the short fin type several years ago. All fry from them had a varying degree of the color, not a difference of intensity, but they had a splotched pattern. Some have more black color than others. The current fish being offered are descendants of that strain which have been bred for the LF trait. In the end, they are a true breeding color strain.

Larry Vires

Posted: 07 Jun 2004, 03:37
by davidkozak
great!! well, you only learn by asking, eh?? I hope I didn't offend by suggesting that they were fed with you think you could post some other pictures of the same type of fish, please??
regards, david

Posted: 12 Jun 2004, 21:30
by kim
i agree with you i have just joined this site and was having a look around and man some people really have there noses up in the air (nicer than what i wanted to say) :evil:
to me this kind of site is about helping people and sharing info on fsh you have keeped and breed.
not picking at people for not knowing something.

i have breed the golden black eye b/n and i myself was thinking what will the babies come out like but they all breed true :D

i have had fish all my life and i still learn something every day!!
the day i stop learning is the day i die!!