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catfish convention

Posted: 16 May 2004, 18:11
by kwalker
Hello all

I was just wondering how many of you plan on attending the catfish convention here in the united states in october? Also where are you from and what catfish you are into?


Posted: 16 May 2004, 18:31
by Silurus
I think the forum members should have our own get-together at the convention. What do you all think?

Posted: 16 May 2004, 19:05
by corybreed
I think thats a great idea. I am really enjoying the forum and we should have a get- together at the convention. Are any of you planning to take any of the trips on the Friday of the convention. I will be going to the Smithsonian.


Posted: 16 May 2004, 19:12
by kwalker
Silurus wrote:I think the forum members should have our own get-together at the convention. What do you all think?

Thats a great idea. maybe we can get a hall for a get together on saturday afternoon.


Posted: 16 May 2004, 19:14
by Silurus
The convention schedule seems kind of packed, but how about the happy hour (6-7:30 pm) on Saturday 16 October for a get-together?
I have no idea how late the corydoras forum on Friday night might run, and I also have no idea how long the banquet is going to be on Saturday night.

Posted: 16 May 2004, 19:25
by corybreed
I am going to be doing the Corydoras forum on Friday night with Eric Bodrock, Don Kinyon and Ian Fuller. It is my hope ot goes late into the evening there is no ending time set.


Posted: 16 May 2004, 19:35
by Dave Rinaldo
I use my name here on the forum but some don't. I had thought that our name tag might include our forum name.

Posted: 16 May 2004, 19:51
by kwalker
Dave Rinaldo wrote:I use my name here on the forum but some don't. I had thought that our name tag might include our forum name.


That is also a good idea. i may be able to do something from here on that.


Posted: 16 May 2004, 19:57
by jurassic_pork
Would some of you lucky lucky people who are able to attend the convention post some pics and a few words of the highlight's of the convention here on the forum for people who are unable to attend ?

:) Mark

Posted: 16 May 2004, 20:45
by Silurus
I thought Jools was going to videotape the talks and post them here.

Posted: 16 May 2004, 22:01
by jurassic_pork
Silurus wrote:I thought Jools was going to videotape the talks and post them here.

Even better thanks for the reply :)


Posted: 21 May 2004, 02:02
by Andrew
I think the whole convention might be a PC forum get together!

There's a couple of really good times to schedule something outside of the regular events though. One is Thursday night before the convention. A lot of people will be there already so that they can go on the field trips early the next day. A bunch of folks from the hosting club will be there putting the finishing touches on the convention too.

On Friday night after the Corydoras Forum, we will still have the seminar room open with a portable bar in the room so there will be plenty of chances for socializing then.

Another is the happy hour in between the speaker seminars and the banquet. While we would really like it if everyone is able to mingle with each other, it will also be a good time to find PC buddies to have a good chat before dinner. Also at the banquet you will have the opportunity to choose your table mates but of course there are only eight or nine people at each table.

After the banquet we've actually scheduled yet another talk on catfish for the night owls. The speaker and topic will be a surprise but will certainly be a lot of fun!

Everyone will have name tags so that you can find the folks that you've only met online before.

The weekend is jam-packed but there's a few chances in there to meet up!


P.S. By the way, if anyone has any other questions about the convention feel free to PM me here on PC or you can e-mail me at

Posted: 22 May 2004, 09:30
by hastatus
Hi all

Just to say I'll be there, booked in for the Smithsonian as well, and the ideas that have been suggested so far are all excellent and will add to what is going to be a great convention, I should be able to add to the photo's along with a mate from Atlanta who is also booked in.

I'm trying to get a few more Brits to join in, time will tell.


Posted: 23 May 2004, 04:01
by Silurus
Well, seems like the happy hour is the best time to meet.

Andrew, could you please put up something on the notice board at the convention to that effect (maybe stating an exact meeting time and place as well)?

Posted: 23 May 2004, 11:19
by sidguppy
if something like this will ever happen on mainland Europe, you can count on me.

unfortunately the US is out of bounds for me, and will stay that way for some time.....

Posted: 23 May 2004, 15:51
by kwalker
sidguppy wrote:if something like this will ever happen on mainland Europe, you can count on me.

unfortunately the US is out of bounds for me, and will stay that way for some time.....
sorry to here you will not be able to make it. i am however open for this convention to be on your side of the pond in the future.


Posted: 23 May 2004, 15:53
by Yann

Same than Sid, would love to be there but I think that this year would be impossible for me...

Surely next time and maybe the next one will be on closer ground...
But I count on those of you who will be there to make a good resume of all what was being said during that time...


Posted: 23 May 2004, 16:40
by Jools
If there was one in a coupe of years time in Europe, where would be best and why?


Posted: 23 May 2004, 23:10
by sidguppy
I'd say Netherlands, but then I'm being very selfish and without a car.....

catfishes are still a no-go here; except for L-numbers, Cory's in planted tanks and the Tanganyikan Syno's.

If we lay credit where credit's due; Germany.

Not only because Germans are catfish-nutters like the British (Hence the long gone catfish association, and the still ongoing 'Welsefreunde' wich means "catfish friends"),
but also because many groundbreaking catfish stuff is happening there, or originates there....lots of science, lots of fairly famous catfish-people from there too. Breeding of many plecs, Syno's etc...

There's a truckload of books from Germany (Mergus series, Wels-Atlas, Werner Seuss' Cory-books etc), plenty good LFS with fish I haven't seen in decades over here, and -bonus!- many Germans also speak English!

try to find that last fact in France, Spain or elsewhere (Except of course Scandinavia and Netherlands)!!

Posted: 24 May 2004, 09:13
by Yann

The best place to have a convention here in Europe, wouod be a place with the following advantages:

* should be localisated in easy to arrive place, with an airport with direct connection to every major cities in Europe and world...
* should be in "the middle" so basically everyone has the same distant to make to attend it...
* should be rather cheap: hotel, restaurant and stuff, depending on how many people will attend, not all can afford an expensive stay even for 2-3 days...

I would agree with Sid that Germany would be a good place, it is also filled with many catfishes enthusiasts and quality shops... German are also use to host many fish oriented conventions,
Discus championship, VDA meetings, Aquazoo....

Of course we could make it in England for the first one because of the CSG is being already well prepared on holding convention on regular basis....


Posted: 24 May 2004, 10:42
by sidguppy
Of course we could make it in England for the first one because of the CSG is being already well prepared on holding convention on regular basis....
My hint was about MAINLAND Europe......
There are already catfish-auctions in the UK on a fairly regular base; likely a heritage from the "British Catfish Association"-days.

Posted: 24 May 2004, 21:26
by Coryman
Just for the record guys, the Catfish Study Group is a direct descendant of the original CAGB which I believe was formed in 1976. A group of CAGB members in the north west of England formed an area group in 1979, which would you believe was called 'The Northern Area Catfish Group'. As the only specialist Catfish group in the UK possibly the world, In the year 2000 the group made the decision to change the name and became 'The Catfish Study Group'

The group has been holding one day conventions since its conception in 1979 so we do have a little experience in holding these events.

Catfish Study Group UK

Posted: 25 May 2004, 00:13
by Charly EON
and -bonus!- many Germans also speak English!

try to find that last fact in France :evil: :evil: :evil: , Spain or elsewhere (Except of course Scandinavia and Netherlands)!!

Well you didn't try hard enough !! i'm the living example french people do not speak only .. french ! and I'm not the only one.
Many friends around speak 2 to 3 languages....even dutch !! Dank U

If you do not believe it you're invited to come over and check by yourself :wink:

Mit freundlichen GruBen

Abraços: / Groetjes

C harly
doido de bodos

PS C'est AkexandRE Dumas

Posted: 29 May 2004, 13:53
by Jools
To get back to the US convention, I am seriosuly considering wearing my kilt - so you should be able to spot me. Might not wear it in the river mind you. I worked for a few months as a baker in Ocean City, MD and that allowed me visits to the Smithsonian and Baltimore Aqiarium, so I'm gonna go collecting Madtoms!

Also, if we're meeting during happy hour - would that be in the bar then?

Not sure about the video taping as (a) I haven't asked Andrew for permission and (b) for once I'm getting to attend something like this with my wife, without having to give a talk or being on the organising committee. So I might just want to be hugely selfish and enjoy myself.

Maybe we should organise Planet / event t-shirts for forum regulars? We are sponsors after all.
