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Posted: 15 May 2004, 13:13
by philtre
Hi all,

I know it's a long shot for these fellas with the kind of photos I have right now, but I just got them yesterday, took some pictures while they were in the bag.

Any idea on the ID? Are they different from each other? One looks shorter in the face than the other?
(either that, I must be fish mad. :D )
Markings from plan view seems to be different too? Fish 1 seems to have more distinct blotches?

Appreciate any pointers. Thanks!

Fish 1

Fish 2



Posted: 15 May 2004, 14:52
by Silurus
You're right. Those are lousy pictures for identification. Both fish look the same to me, though.

Posted: 15 May 2004, 15:56
by Graeme
lol now now HH!!

Maybe Juvenile Otocinclus paulinus?


Posted: 15 May 2004, 16:53
by philtre

think they are oxyropsis of some kind. Kicked them into QT after the pics, will be a while before I can get a pic. Will be back with more pics then!

Posted: 09 Jun 2004, 10:17
by philtre
ok .... they're out of QT and I'm back with pics

they seem to be more blackish compared to the first oxy I have
here are some pics of one of the fellas


seems to have a white strip at the snout?

more images here

Any thoughts anyone?

Thanks in advance!!

Posted: 09 Jun 2004, 13:45
by Silurus
Can you get a closeup picture of the lateral trunk plates at the caudal peduncle?
I am thinking either O. wrightiana or O. acutirostris, but I need to see the trunk plates to be sure.