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eye problem with my albino gibby :(

Posted: 01 May 2004, 06:36
by squid
noticed that my albino gibbys eyes are whitish in color.
both of them not just one eye. instead of clear red pupil... its like the eyes are bluury?
wasn't able to take picture earlier. will try to post picture later...

think its blind...
always sticking to the glass...
used to be when i turned on the lights he would hid.e..
now he doesn't even hide. :(

I have him with my arowana....

i don't habe measuremment of ammonia nitrite and nitrate.
if its because of high nitrite/nitrate is this reversible?

my tanks ph is 7.5
i make weekly 50 % wc
he's in a 5 footer.


Posted: 01 May 2004, 14:29
by squid

heres a picture..

Posted: 01 May 2004, 14:46
by squid

heres a picture...
pls help.

Posted: 01 May 2004, 20:47
by Barbie
Squid is this one of the fish that has been fighting? If not, try doing an extra 50% water change midweek and reduce the food you're putting in the tank for the arow and other fish. Water quality can definitely impact their eyes. You should never be showing ammonia or nitrite in an established aquarium. Have you been testing for them?


thanks barbie,,,

Posted: 02 May 2004, 16:44
by squid
Barbie wrote:Squid is this one of the fish that has been fighting? If not, try doing an extra 50% water change midweek and reduce the food you're putting in the tank for the arow and other fish. Water quality can definitely impact their eyes. You should never be showing ammonia or nitrite in an established aquarium. Have you been testing for them?


nope haven't tested for them...
but think there should be nop trace of them...
since my tank has been running for more than a year now..
i guess it may be due to water quality... since my tank has gravel... and i'm having a hard time cleaning the gravel...

its now in a barebuttom tank with my other arowana..
noticed its sometimes quarrels with my other albino gibby...
he's also thinner than the new one...
guess he didn't get a lot to eat in my other tank...:(
i neglected him a bit...
been feeding him zuchini and cucumbers.
since he doesn't get any shrimp as the arowana finishes it off.

but he'll have more food now that he's in the other tank..
any food to pump him up??

thanks, i'll do more frequent water changes. hope his eyes recover:)

eye problem..

Posted: 07 May 2004, 19:06
by squid
the eye still looks the same..
could it be bacterial infection?
there seems to be whitish stuff inside the eyes?
should i treat with antibiotics? or kjust maintain clean water?
his appettite seems good..


Posted: 04 Jun 2004, 14:35
by squid
i really feel theres something wrong with this pleco..:(
its quite skinny, also it seems to have a sunken belly, and it like meatier food , like shrimps and arowana pellets.
while my other gibby and a common pleco which are with it in the same tank seems to be ok and prefers the algae flakes..

i'll try to take pucture of it again..

any suggestions?

Posted: 04 Jun 2004, 15:38
by DeLBoD
The eye could be Cataracts(eye fungus).
So you most likely have a all over bacterial and fungus problem.


Posted: 04 Jun 2004, 16:05
by squid
DeLBoD wrote:The eye could be Cataracts(eye fungus).
So you most likely have a all over bacterial and fungus problem.

how do i treat it?
someone also told me it could be eye fungus...

heres a picture of it with my other gibby...
its quite skinny:( and whitish in color.

is it easy to treat?



Posted: 04 Jun 2004, 16:08
by squid
picture of both my gibbys...


the one with eye problem seems to be whitish, is this fungus?
what treatment should i do??

pls help..
also is this contagious?

heres a picture of my other gibby...
not sure if eye has problem... seems to have a little whitish stuff...

Posted: 04 Jun 2004, 17:00
by Stevetd
It sounds very much like a corneal edema whereby the cornea becomes inflamed. It develops a lot of fluid making the eye look cloudy. It can be caused by a bacterial infection, though should not be a major problem provided you treat it correctly. I would suggest treating with a standard bacterial solution such as Melafix, remembering to increase oxygen levels, as Melafix will cause a reduction in oxygen - leading to problems with filter bacteria etc.

I would also suggest maintaining good water changes (50% seems a bit excessive at one time - perhaps reduce to 30% but more frequently) and conduct water tests at regular intervals until the fish recovers.

Hope everything works out ok


Posted: 04 Jun 2004, 19:07
by DeLBoD
I think something stronger would be better at this stage.
Maracyn Furan -2 or Eye Fungex.Are a few stronger broad spectrum antibiotics.


Posted: 05 Jun 2004, 00:45
by squid
DeLBoD wrote:I think something stronger would be better at this stage.
Maracyn Furan -2 or Eye Fungex.Are a few stronger broad spectrum antibiotics.

i'll try to treat him asap.
btw how long will the treatment last??


Posted: 05 Jun 2004, 14:44
by DeLBoD
That depends on which one you use I suppose. :wink:


Posted: 05 Jun 2004, 15:44
by squid
DeLBoD wrote:That depends on which one you use I suppose. :wink:

thanks for the reply:)
i'm using tetracycline right now...

hope this fish pulls thru..
he's been like this for a few month i think?
i should have started treatment earlier...
someone also told me it was fungus.. but i thought he'll recover with water changes..
he's quite weak... i have him in a 35 gallon hospital tank with lots of aeration... hope he puulls thru..

thanks.. any other thing i can do for it??
i dropped a piece of algae wafer just in case it gets hungry..

Posted: 05 Jun 2004, 18:18
by DeLBoD
Just clean up any uneaten food after feeding and fingers crossed now.


Posted: 06 Jun 2004, 03:59
by squid
DeLBoD wrote:Just clean up any uneaten food after feeding and fingers crossed now.
think he has already improved a little..
when should i redose with tetracycline?

my sick one seems to be better...

heres a picture:)


i'm worried that my other pleco could have fungus too?
is it contagious? though nothing seems to be wrong with the other one..
theres a white spot in the eye...
like a scratch...??


Posted: 06 Jun 2004, 19:13
by Rusty
If it is fungus, antibiotics, by definition, will have zero effect on the problem. If I were you, I would have avoided using tetracycline, but the merits and downsides of using antibiotics has already been debated to death. Since you have already treated with it, you should be aware that it breaks down in the presence of light, creating nasty compounds which you do not want to come into contact with. As to re-dosage, you'll need to follow the instructions on your packaging.



Posted: 07 Jun 2004, 01:09
by squid
Rusty wrote:If it is fungus, antibiotics, by definition, will have zero effect on the problem. If I were you, I would have avoided using tetracycline, but the merits and downsides of using antibiotics has already been debated to death. Since you have already treated with it, you should be aware that it breaks down in the presence of light, creating nasty compounds which you do not want to come into contact with. As to re-dosage, you'll need to follow the instructions on your packaging.


i guess i have to finished the treatment..

thanks for the help everybody!

Posted: 07 Jun 2004, 09:36
by squid
heres an update of my gibby:) a lot more active now..
and scavenging for food:)




Posted: 10 Jun 2004, 12:39
by squid

the pleco is a lot better now...
but there still whitish stuff in the eye...
should i continue with the tetracycline until the white stuff is gone?
its the 4th treatment now...
or shoud i change antibiotics?