What's my cory got?
Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 23:45
I have had 2 cory aeneus for the past 6 or 7 months. One has grown, while the other has not grown much. the larger one has no probems at all, while on the other hand the smaller one startedd off with his dorsal fin being a bit ragged and then just under the right eye, there is what looks like a small whitish patch. on looking closely it looks like one or 2 scales are coming off, but it has been like this for only the last few days. Since 2 days, the cory can't stay on the bottom and is always swimming in the top part of the tank and only stops to rest inbetween plant leaves. it's eating from the surface.
what does the fish have? swim bladder disorder? i've already had fish with that trouble, and they really can't balance themselves, while the cory can, it just can't stay on the bottom.
could someone please tell me what the fish could have, so at least i can try and cure it as i do feel sorry for it as it hardly ever stays still and i don't think that's good for corys as they usualyy stya on the bottom.
I have had 2 cory aeneus for the past 6 or 7 months. One has grown, while the other has not grown much. the larger one has no probems at all, while on the other hand the smaller one startedd off with his dorsal fin being a bit ragged and then just under the right eye, there is what looks like a small whitish patch. on looking closely it looks like one or 2 scales are coming off, but it has been like this for only the last few days. Since 2 days, the cory can't stay on the bottom and is always swimming in the top part of the tank and only stops to rest inbetween plant leaves. it's eating from the surface.
what does the fish have? swim bladder disorder? i've already had fish with that trouble, and they really can't balance themselves, while the cory can, it just can't stay on the bottom.
could someone please tell me what the fish could have, so at least i can try and cure it as i do feel sorry for it as it hardly ever stays still and i don't think that's good for corys as they usualyy stya on the bottom.