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Anyone Have A Friendly Pleco?

Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 16:01
by PlecoRising
I have this 9" common pleco that will just sit and look at me with this really funny look on his face. I can even see his eyes move so he can look at me when I come over. Then he starts rasping the glass whilst continuing to look. I know he's just hungry, but I know plecos are kind of timid and don't see this behaviour very often.

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 00:10
by munchie
My bristlenose hides most of the time, but I've seen a little more of him lately. When I turn the lights out in the tank he comes out more. I rearranged my rocks today and must have exposed a bunch of algae that wasn't available before, because he began to "graze" very boldly...lights on and human present!

Nomination for world's friendliest pleco

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 09:11
by Welskopf
Hi, there! I read your inquiry about friendly plecos and just had to answer it to nominate my daughter's favorite fish, Shadow. :D He is the most amazingly friendly and outgoing catfish I have ever seen. Every pleco we've kept has had a strong personality, but this one just amazes with visibility and yes, friendliness. He is out day and night, interacting with the other fish, who look to him as pal, mother figure and referee. The most I ever see him take is a short nap. Whenever someone approaches the tank, he comes up to look back at the visitor (so cute.) When a hand is in the tank for maintenance, he immediately checks out what it's doing. He fins out when petted. He is so tame I sometimes have to pick him up and move him to get to the spot where I want to bury the plant food tablet. Far from tearing up the flora of a heavily planted tank, he cleans every single leaf with great care. He hand-feeds just after lights out, so at that time he is for sure front and center looking for his little owner. When she (or any of us) holds he food tablet out to him, he circles a few times, sniffs and barbels it, then gently rasps the hand to say thank you. After another set of passes, gently rubbing the fins against the benevolent visitor, he makes off with his food. He even shares his food. If he notices that others (specifically certain bottomless-pit-Mollies) are still hungry enough to show interest in his spirulina, he somehow breaks the tablet in half and delivers one piece to them before settling on his wood with the other half to enjoy it in peace. As I said, I have never seen a pleco this visible and we thoroughly enjoy him.

Saint pleco?

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 11:08
by Dr.UltraScarlet
Great ! Thanks for sharing, I can´t help myself but add "sounds like we found out where the real Dalai Lama was reincarnated" :D

Pleco the level beyond human !

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 16:33
by PlecoRising

If I didn't know any better, I would think you'd be putting me on:) I was just in San Fran. I wouldve stopped by if I knew a pleco of this type was in the vicinity!! (j/k). I did see a nice common pleco rasping away when I was there at the "Little Thai" restaurant, in the city(Don't eat there!).
You have an amazing pleco. Be careful not to put your hand in too many times because the natural oil on your hands (or soap/lotion residue). This might make him sick, so be cognizant of this. Can we see a picture of your prized pleco??

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 21:23
by Beersnob
Friendly, not sure

Docile - YES!

He blends into the aquarium plants and likes to look like a rock. ok he's not a common Pleco he's a Sailfin PLECO. Depending on his mood he'll be on the wall (all 5 " of him) or hiding in the back. The loaches avoid him.


Sorry, But I have to ask...What's wrong with Thai food? I am a large fanatic of it! Especially when my sinuses are screwed up. Done correctly it should be a mix of hot, sweet, sour, and bitter flavors. And with my call sign, Drunken Noodle is my favorite!



Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 22:34
by S. Allen
I don't have any common plecos, but i do have a large scarlet pleco who, although shy is a terrible pig and likes to snatch a scallop from the tongs. only pleco I have that will do that, all the others wait till it's on the ground. may be a learned behavior because once it's grabbed it sits there, balancing on it's large pelvic fins with it's head a few inches off the bottom of the tank chomping the food, where the stingrays can't get to it. the other plecos don't have to deal with hungry rays, they may not feel a need to feed from tongs. But I believe there are those who have handfed gibbies and commons. would take a lot of work I'd think.

Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 03:32
by Welskopf
Dear Pleco Rising (cool name, by the way):
Thanks for your response :D , my fish would be honored to make your acquaintance. Unfortunately, however, I am a lost cause at photography, so I don't know about posting pictures. (How to do this, anyway?) BTW, next time you find yourself in the Bay Area with time on your hands, check out Shadow's home, King Aquarium in San Jose. They have several huge Not-for-Sale tanks and the freshwater ones show off a beautiful selection of catfish who all like to come out during the day. (If it was the restaurant rather than the kind of food that put you off in Frisco, KA is also located in an Asian section of town where your palate may have better luck.) The only thing that has been breaking my heart in that store for weeks now is a poor 20" Royal Pleco crammed into a 10 gal display with nobody willing to pony up $150 to save him. It can't even turn around in there and sits in silent misery with its tail up on the glass. :cry: He should get the prize for most patient pleco. If I wasn't in the process of moving, I would have set up a big tank and taken him home long ago.

Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 03:57
by PlecoRising
Hi Stephanie!

Is KA another Thai restaurant :P ? Its amazing you tell me about the big royal pleco, because there is the exact same situation that has been going on for 6 months at our local fish store!! HE was huge and just sat in the corner. They too wanted $150! My heart bled for him. He's gone now, I'm not sure where he is. Hopefully in Pleco heaven or a nice big beautiful tank.

