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Another ID please

Posted: 10 Apr 2004, 22:19
by bottomdwellin
Here is another of my cats for your iding pleasure. This was purchased as a A. temminicki.
I thought it was a Ancistrus triradiatus by the stripe and overall shape, but the small spots up around the head have me a little confused. Fish approx 3" in length.

Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 02:51
by lisa23

it looks similar to hopliancistrus l361(inset) in the datz l numbers special.

Only similar so probably wrong,just guessing :)

good luck id'ing


Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 08:27
by Janne
Ancistrus are very difficult to id...there is so many different species that looks very similar to each other, the location where it was caught is very helpful.
Try to get a better pic with the dorsalfin raised...yours seems to have the "white spot" disease.


Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 11:35
by Yann

Yes I agree, it looks like a common Ancistrus sp. and it is sure sick...
Better treat him fast before it get worst...
