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What is this Pleco?
Posted: 06 Apr 2004, 07:19
by pnoy702
Hi there. Troi here. I work at a local fish store in Las Vegas and we received in one of our shipments a small fancy pleco. At the moment, it is almost 2" long or so. It was not the pleco that we ordered, but something totally different. Can anyone please help me in identifying it? Sorry for the blurry pics.
Posted: 06 Apr 2004, 07:29
by Barbie
Take a look at the L204 in the Catelog. They are close, at least. It's a bit hard to tell from the pictures. Just for your reference, geocities doesn't allow posting pics, you'll want to just paste the links for them, in the future. Hope that helps!
Posted: 06 Apr 2004, 09:25
by Jools
That's the right colouration for an L204, but NOT for a 2" one. At 2" they don't look quite like that, but it still might be as the pics aren't the best.
My other suggestion would be L129.
Posted: 06 Apr 2004, 18:25
by Yann
Could you post a picture of the dentition?
Describe how the teeth look like?
Posted: 06 Apr 2004, 20:42
by pnoy702
Thanks for the suggestions. Once again I am sorry for them not being good pix. Looking at the L204 pictures, it does ressemble that fish. I will take a picture of the fish's dentition sometime around when I work Wednesday or when I come in to the store on Thursday on my day off to pick up some food. As for the coloration, the striping is not broken up like L129, but similar to the L204. Also, it's tail seems more lyretail like L204, where as the L129 does not have. But like I said, I will try to post more better pix of the fish later on the week to better identify it. Thanks for the responses though!