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Breeding Bunocephalus

Posted: 07 Feb 2003, 15:54
by Yann
Hi Everyone!

Well I have currently at home a pair of Bunocephalus verrucosus and 2 pair of Bunocephalus kneri.
I was wondering if these have ever been bred in tanks, how would you proceed to do so, what type of setup and what sort of trigger would you use.
Finally does litterature about spawning account exist??

Posted: 07 Feb 2003, 16:54
by Silurus

Posted: 07 Feb 2003, 17:38
by Yann
Yes thanks a lot Silurus, that would be a helpfull with giving me a directio to work with.
No othe rpaper publishe in magazine about this???
Anyone with personal tires with them ?

Posted: 07 Feb 2003, 17:44
by Achim
Hi Yann,

there has been an article about coincidental spawning in a german aquaristic magazine some time ago. I don't remember where right now, but i will look this up. There wasn't much information in it, but i'll send it to you together with the other papers.


Posted: 07 Feb 2003, 21:04
by Silurus

This should be the article Achim was talking about:
Petrovicky, I. 1986. Erfolgreiche Zucht von <i>Bunocephalus bicolor</i> Steindachner, 1882. Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift 39(6): 252-254.
There is an English translation of this article which appeared in the March 1987 issue of TFH. I can send you this (the English version) if you want.

Posted: 08 Feb 2003, 00:25
by Achim

Good that you posted that Heok Hee, I was actually referring to another article. I totally forgot that there was another article in one of the old AT's. Unfortunatly i don't own any of the AT's. They are very demanded here by aquarists interested in literature, though the aquaristical scene in the former DDR was very sophisticated and many articles in the AT are of high quality and very interesting for breeders, "although" many of them were written in the 70's and 80's.

I found the one i was talking about:

Plehn-Mahler,J. 1997
Zufallszucht einer Dysichthys-Art
DATZ 50( 8 ): 510-512


Posted: 18 Feb 2003, 14:22
by Silurus
I found another article on spawning banjo cats by Ulrich Schramm in an old issue of the (now defunct) Catfish Association of North America newsletter (March/April 1991).
Information is somewhat skimpy, since this was the report of an accidental spawning.
Anyone interested?

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 21:28
by BenZz
As i have here 14 banjo fish i'm interested in the article.. Could you send it to me please?

any banjo breeding info...

Posted: 11 Aug 2004, 04:36
by deadantstomp
If anyone has any infor or experience with breeding banjos I would love to hear from you and any copies of articles that anyone could pass along would be great.

I think I have a female and a male. Has anyone else noticed dorsal fin differences in their banjos? My two largest were bought at the same time from the same batch of fish and have both eaten well and grown significantly, but for some time now it has been apparent that one has a significantly taller, thinner dorsal fin when they scoot around the tank and hold them erect. This I am assuming is the male as the other appears to be gravid as of late, being so fat that she is fairly rolly-polly when she is above the sand. My other banjos are still rather young so it is difficult to tell any differences in them and two fish isn't much of a sample size for trying to sort out sexual dimorphism.

they are in a pretty busy community tank currently, but I think I am going to give them their own and see if anything comes of it. Just wondering is anyone has any advice so I can try and make things just right for them.

Posted: 11 Aug 2004, 06:07
by Mika
We have this article.Sorry but don`t have time to translate it.Maybe some interenet translation tool will help. ... njomon.htm