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Desperately in need of help: Pleco Disease, photos attached

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 02:07
by azn_phil
I've never had this disease in my life. I'm guessing mycobacteria? If so, how to treat it?

L103 Pleco
50 gal
Couldn't measure ammonia/nitrate/nitrite but i'm pretty sure ammonia is the problem as I didnt change the water in a while, ammonia build up. :(
Couple of assorted African's in the tank, but they don't bother eachother. What i'm concerned about was my 8 inch Rhino plec always harasses him, sucking him, but the L103 is always faster. Probably a build up of stress and succumed to this disease.
Please tell me how to treat it. Its in a 10 gal right now at 80F

Sorry 56k'ers
:( Image

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 06:25
by Yann

Look like a costia infection to me surely coupled with a bacterial infection...


Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 16:22
by azn_phil
thanks for the reply...

my hypothesis is that my 8" rhino or my africans have been sucking/biting at it...although the tank has been setup for like 4-5 months...and the bite/suck marks starting to get infected b/c of the high ammonia levels/stress? thats my guess...anyway

what is costia infection? is it different from regular infected wounds?

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 19:05
by azn_phil
ok in the quarentine tank now, 10 gal,
i plan to purchase maracyn to combat bacteria today, the temp is at 80, lots of aereation...and i'm going to add salt and maracyn ok? ive read that salt and formalin is not ok, and mal. green seems too dangerous...hope someone can guide me through this...