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Posted: 13 Mar 2004, 13:14
by Steen
Hi all..
I have just put an large piece of bamboo (60cm long, 10 cm acros) in my 720 l. tank as hideout for my clown-botias and a snack for the Panaque spp.
I just think about decomposing time/rotting/polution ect. how are bamboo compared to wood ??

Posted: 14 Mar 2004, 18:44
by magnum4
Cant answer about time frame but the only problem i have with bamboo is that sometimes it comes with a very explosive fungus attached that just will not quit.
If you are not experiencing any fungus, you do not have much to worry about.

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 19:49
by Steen
Ok thanks
...I will not worry to much then. My only problem will be getting it to the bottom then, I didn't have a pot big enough to boil it completely, so it's still flowing around, guess I have to wait.. :)

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 21:35
by Tapio Martimo
Steen: From which kind of an shop did you purchase your piece of bamboo? Here in Finland, the selection is various gardening, aqurium etc stores for the bamboo is very limited.

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 20:27
by Steen
Hi Tapio

I bought it in a local aquarium-store ( if you read danish) and it is the first time I have seen it in the stores I normally visit, so not that common i denmark either. I paid 110 danisk crowns for 1 meter, not sure what it is in finish crowns. Hope you find some...