Please help me...

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Please help me...

Post by windgirl »

I would like to understand my Bushynose (bristlenose) Pl*co better and know if he is not well ... I have the following questions.

I think he a he because he has tiny pimple like bumbs of a bush coming in at 2 inchs. He eats hikari algae wafers as his main diet (and eats them like a pig). I also drop in fresh veggies now and then. He may also eat bits of the other fishs food which is live brineshrimp, flake food, freeze-dried blood worms, and sinking pellets for cories. The water is 25% changed every week, Also a pequin bio wheel filter. The tank has java moss and air stones. Lots of hiding places, plastic plants, and driftwood bought at the LFS.

One of my concerns about my bushynose is his behavior .... Please help me understand. Once in a while (I notice it more at feeding time) he will extend long light colored spikes from his cheeks. Sort of the way a betta displays his gills. What does this mean?

Also once in a while he will be sucking at something, working his way around, then he will dart ahead. Is there something one the surface of whatever he is sucking at causing him to do this?

Finally, he (sometimes combined with the spike cheek action) "wags" his tail. Sort of like he extends it to one side. Is this a sign of a problem?

He's a beautiful fish and I wish the best to come of him, is he uncomfortable? Is there something missing in his environment?

Another this is I got the driftwood especially for him (I read it was good for his digestive system and that he is a wood cat). At frist he spend a lot of time on the wood, but After a few weeks he starting going on the wood less and finally I never see him there anymore. There is a little algea on the wood (brownish color), is there something about the algea that he doesn't like or could it be something else.

I would greatly appriciate any asnwers to the above five questions. Not just pros, but if you have a bushynose is any of this common behaviour of a healthy or sick fish? If my post is confusing or something please let me know so I can fix it. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Please help me...

Post by Chrysichthys »

windgirl wrote:he will extend long light colored spikes from his cheeks
This sounds like a display of aggression or territoriality; in this case possibly defense of food against a potential threat :?: . More often it occurs between adult males. The spikes are called odontodes.
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Post by windgirl »

Well, I have notice a increase in aggression so I guess thats safe. He is starting to chase after the cories and zebra danios. He doesn't injure anyone. Just pushes them, so I don't see the harm in his agression.

But he's been extending those spikes even before his agression ... Could they ever be used as a sign of discomfort? What about the tail thing?

When is a bushynose a adult? I figured since mine isn't full grown yet (but at the rate he's growing he will be before I know it), he's a young one. Oh yeah ... and there is no other bushynose (male or female) in his tank.

Some one tell me my fish is healthy so I can stop worrying!! I'm still so very worried worried!
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Post by Caz »

I have several adult males and they all have their little quirks. One of mine likes to hang upside down from bogwood then let go so when I go to have a look I see him lying on his back in the tank and I think he's dead :roll:

Some of mine seem to flex their odontodes like an exercise and they will use them to fight with each other but as Chrysichthys said it is probably a display of aggression to guard his food from the cories etc. As long as they cories aren't getting scratched they should be o.k. One of my females once got her odontes caught in a net and had them extended for three hours before putting them away - that had me worried as I though I had permantly damaged her.

He has probably chosen a site (waiting for a female) and now treats it as his territory so no other fish are allowed near. If he has a particular cave no bigger then he is when his fins are fully extended, he can call his own he will probably end up staying in it and not bothering the other fish once he is settled in it.

They are fully grown at about 5-6 inches but can start breeding from 2 inches.

The darting thing is just a "hmm is there something more tasty over there?" or a "ohh shadow over tank (you) must hide - could be a predator".

They don't spend all their time eating bogwood and the males are more active at night so he probably has a good nibble when he feels like it at night then when you are watching him he doesn't feel like any.

Signs of illness: not eating, sunken eyes/belly, open sores on body, "rotting away" of bristles, gasping at surface and swallowing air (get large bubbles in their stomachs) but usually they are pretty hardy and will withstand anything.

I had 15 1" fry in three bags that I posted in a polystyrene box to Cumbria (from Readiing UK) and there was a problem with the delivery so they ended up spending 4 days in their bags in the box. When the person was finally able to open the box - they were all still alive and are now thriving in his tank.

But first sign water conditions are off = hanging from side of tank just under surface and swallowing air!


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Post by Chrysichthys »

Caz wrote:I see him lying on his back in the tank and I think he's dead
This, too, is apparently normal behaviour.
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Post by Chrysichthys »

As for chasing danios, I wouldn't worry unless he succeeds in catching one.
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Post by windgirl »

I guess he's ok then ... He's eating like a mad cat, very active, nice a full looking without being fat ... and since it appears his actions are normal, I guess I will just enjoy them instead of worrying about him. I do know the water conditions are fine its nice a clear other fish are doing great (tested the water, 0 ammoia and 0 nitrite). Boy, does he ever grow fast.

He has many hiding spots to choose from, but it seems he has decided on a very large spot (a skull mouth), if he were full size with fines fully extended the space would still be big ... so it's huge now that he's only 2 inchs. Not that he hides much yet anyway, too busy looking for food and flexing his muscels.

Well, I'm no longer worried about him ... I'm very happy now, thanks to you!! Boy I wish I had one that would lie on his back like a baby ... that must be cute! I've seen mine completely upside down before but only attached to something. I love the little guy so much, I hope too that he lives a long life! I'm kinda sad for him that I haven't got a girl for him, maybe one day. Right now the tank I've got him in is a little to small for another 5 inches of fish. It's completely stocked. Maybe when my goldfish are ready to move out of their large tank for a larger one I'll move him and the others (then get him a adult girlfriend).

Thanks for the help!!
30G - 4 common goldies (Neil Pryde, Jimmy Lewis and the twins) and 1 common pl*co (shark)
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