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brown bullheads

Posted: 13 Mar 2004, 01:26
by c3
Hello, i recently recieved two brown bullhead catfish , they are currently about 2 inches, i do not know anything about brown bullhead catfish, can i anyone give me information on them?
another question is will they get a long with my 4 inch hoplo? what temperture can they withstand i have an outdoor pond, the temperture here is currently 34 degrees, should i put them in there or should i put them in my indoor aquarium?

thanks a lot to all

Posted: 13 Mar 2004, 02:23
by Silurus
Look in the Cat-eLog for . Also read up on the yellow bullhead CoTM article as most of what is written there applies to the brown bullhead.
Whether or not the bullheads can overwinter in your pond depends on the depth of the pond.

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 16:19
by vipervenom
I'm not sure where you live but in Ontario we have them wild here. They are a cold water fish but they accept a very wide range of temperature. Because they get warm water int he summer, and freezing water int he winter. Just make sure the water isn't too warm. And yes, if your pond is deep enough, they can survive outside int he winter. They get generally big, I have seem them wild at around 8-10 inches. If they go in your indoor aquarium, it should be kept at room temperature (again, if you live in a really hot climate then it may need to be a little cooler) or it can go into your pond as long as nothing can eat it or it can't eat anything. Other thant hat that is all I know.

brown bullhead

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 17:14
by ujha201
thet will eat anything half there size. there mouths are like vacum cleaners. they should do fine in the pond as long as it is deep