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Brachyrhamdia marthae

Posted: 06 Mar 2004, 06:01
by ujha201
Are ther any sub-speices to Brachyrhamdia marthae? or are there a lot of color variation? where do they live? they are such a cool cat.


Posted: 06 Mar 2004, 06:03
by ujha201

Posted: 06 Mar 2004, 12:27
by Silurus
Are ther any sub-speices to Brachyrhamdia marthae?
None that I know of. Subspecies are not used much by ichthyologists anyway.
or are there a lot of color variation?
I wouldn't say that there is a lot of variation, but color is largely dependent on the substrate and the mood of the fish.
where do they live?
FishBase lists the distribution as the Mamoré/Madeira River basin in Brazil and Bolivia, and the Juruá River basin in Brazil.