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Information needed !

Posted: 03 Mar 2004, 17:52
by Stræde
Hi all !
I´m new to this catfish sickness :lol: Besides the normal Ancistrus sp. which I´ve had for years, I started out buying 5 Ancistrus Dolchopterus L-183, well I got what I deserved, buying in a bad shop, I have 2 left.
Now to my question
I´ve been offered 3 Hypancistrus sp. L-316, price is ridicolous, more than 100 $ a piece, but I don´t know a thing abouth this fish, anyone know how to give them the best possible catfish life, maybe even getting them in breeding mode.
Every kind of information would be appriciated

Posted: 03 Mar 2004, 18:10
by JohnnyOscar
You could try looking in the cat-eLog.

If you check the eLog by common name (all common names) and scroll down to L, you'll find several hundred gorgeous plecos along with info on how to keep them.

Hope this helps

Posted: 03 Mar 2004, 18:17
by JohnnyOscar
BTW, I bought 3 Hypancistrus zebra (L046) a few weeks ago, for about $100 each, and two of them have since died. I'm sure they did it just to spite me for spending money I can't afford :twisted:

Posted: 04 Mar 2004, 13:55
by Stræde
Hi JohnnyOscar
Well I have serched in the cat-eLog, and the internet in general before I asked the question, but that dosn´t give any answer to my questions !

Posted: 04 Mar 2004, 14:55
by joern
Hi Flemming,

most people in Denmark are familiar with the german language.

Try this: ... hlite=l316

There is'nt much information in that forum too. Probably because it's a relatively "new" and rare pleco . And with 100,-â?¬ a piece it is'n really cheep, I think.

Try the stocklist of this dealer:, it's abaout 2,5 h by car from the danish border. They ship inside EU ?.I have seen him already there, he may be out of sell in the moment.