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unknown bristlenose

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 03:51
by fergo
i bought this catfish, under the beleif that it was a common bristlenose, however the two i got and the two my friend got do not seem to be normal. his are differnt again from mine, but im interested to see what people think my fish is. a picture is here, it takes a little while to load.

as you can see its bristles are not normal looking they kinda branch off near the end.. any ideas?

thanks to anyone who can figure out what it is.

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 04:02
by Herman63

That is a common bristlenose, the branches are normal and I think they come with age.


Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 04:05
by fergo
thats weird my fish is only about maximum of 5 to 6 months old...

i thought they were ment to be straight??

thanks for your reply...

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 14:33
by bottomdwellin
I believe that to be typical of Ancistrus triradiatus.