fry food? mother eat young?

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fry food? mother eat young?

Post by oratari »

I have what is called a "common" pl*co in a 10Gallon tank. I purchased her over a week now. Almost immediately she deposited eggs, some have hatched.
I have no idea how to feed these pl*co fry. I purchased fry bits, they seem not to eat any.

Can someone offer some advise as to what I should feed these young fish.
Can they survive from eating algae in the tank?

Will the mother eat them?

I feel like I have to separate the mother because my Goldfish will eat any eggs she may lay.
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Post by Suckermouth »

That definitely isn't a real Common Plec; they mature at a size much larger than should be kept in a 10 gallon, if I'm not mistaken. What's even more odd is that you had fertilized eggs without the presence of a male.

You'll probably have to provide more food than just the algae in your tank, veggies might work, but someone who has actually bred plecs should probably answer that question.
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