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Post by Whatcheeriid »

This looks like an interesting site. I have a couple of aquariums and keep fish native to North America, including several species of madtom. Currently I have Slender Madtoms, Tadpole Madtoms, Stonecats, and one Brindled Madtom.

I've noticed most of the North American catfish discussion here is about Bullheads or Channel Cats. Around here, those are food fish :lol: Anyhow, I was just wondering why there isn't more interest in madtoms. They are small enough, gentle enough and easy enough to care for that they are great for aquaria. You really can't say the same about their larger cousins.
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Post by spikythefish »

beacause they dont sell any madtoms in fih stores
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Post by Whatcheeriid »

True. But they are easy to catch. I've always thought some of the hardier madtoms would be a good seller in pet stores if they were available.

I've never seen a bullhead in a fishstore, and very few fiddler cats. Where are the folks here getting those?
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Post by Silurus »

Where are the folks here getting those?
Mine was caught locally. Madtoms are easy to catch, but bullheads are more numerous and easier to catch.
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Post by Whatcheeriid »

I'm not so sure about the easier-to-catch. It depends on the technique used. I seine riffles mostly, or dipnet shallow pools in the middle of the night with the help of a spotlight. I seldom come up with any catfish other than madtoms this way, and have yet to be "skunked" if there is a population of madtoms around.

How did you catch your bullheads?
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Post by Silurus »

Seined a slow-flowing stream, which probably wasn't a prime madtom habitat (there was a tadpole madtom that was caught along with it, but I have since traded it away). Doing it in the day might also have explained the paucity of catfish.
If you sample away from the riffles, you're more likely to get bullheads.
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