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Corydoras sp.

Posted: 08 Feb 2004, 12:55
by Allan
I have had these Corydoras for almost one year now. I took home a shipment of Aspidoras pauciradiatus, but along with them where these critters, I have 6 of them, seems to be one or two females and 4-5 males.
They are about 45-50 mm (small two inches), and it seems they are now outgrown. - When they arrived, they had the same size as the A. pauciradiatus, 20-28 mm.

Them comming in a shipment with pauciradiatus, i guess they are from Rio Araguaia, Brazil, but guess i cannot be sure with these exporters, sometimes blending fish at random will.

I can't really make out what they are. Help very much appreciated.





Difference in colour in the pictures is due to difference in light. Guess the last picture shows the colour most natural.

Posted: 08 Feb 2004, 14:14
by Achim
Hi Allen,

it looks like the same species as this one. Its neither C. atropersonatus (Seuss callls it atropersonatus II in his book) nor C. kanei. Its also sometimes called Corydoras brevirostris (Aquarium atlas), which is also wrong. AFAIK its a currently undescribed species, and doesn't have a C-number yet (But i may be wrong with that).



Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 05:15
by philtre
well, I don't know if it's a coincidence or if I'm way off but I found a aspidoras pauciradiatus in a shipment of fellas that kinda look like yours. My fellas look quite like yours cept for the fact that some of them has some dorsal marking; which I can't seem to spot in your pictures. The fellas were highlighted in the thread here. Pictures can be found here

Saw your pictures and started wondering if they could be the same. :D

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 05:59
by Allan
Hey Philtre!

Yes, they look very much the same, exept none of mine has the dark dorsal blotch. I would say positive match on the ones without the spot in the dorsal, maybe they are all same species?

You can see some pictures of mine 10 months younger, back then they were about 30-35 mm, here: ... n_cats.htm
but picture quality is not all to good. But they don't change colour or pattern very much while growing from that size.

Well, very interesting that they turn up with the A. pauciradiatus in both shipments. Thanks for opening my eyes, i did not notice your post at all.


Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 06:05
by philtre
Hey Allan,

this is getting interesting, I"ve just had mine, and since you've had yours for quite a while now, let's hope there's a chance in identifying them!

BTW, check out your third picture from the bottom. Some of the the markings look just like that!


PS: your aspidoras look wonderful! Wish we could get some here.

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 06:20
by Allan
Yes, you are right, i just noticed the blotch after posting. But it has dissaperaed with age. I think we can now state, that they are all the same species! - I have no doubt.

Thanks for the compliments on the Aspis, I got some better pictures recently. They are very cute!

