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Barbie; the joy of petroaches and other vermin, lots of pix!

Posted: 07 Feb 2004, 22:52
by sidguppy
The other animals of Sid
an impression:
Eurycantha calcerata youngster

newborn Neohirasea maerens

somebody wave back?
Brachypelma smithi; better known as Mexican RedKnee Tarantula

this guy's very messy. How would you look if you were dug up?
Achamandrita tessellata nimph. (Giant False Deadhead Roach)

adult male, same species. Wait till I get my hands/camera on Mom, she's bigger.....

the Roach Family
Gromphadorhina portentosa aka Madagaskar Hissing Roach

Sit-up leson #7 or so
hey haven't seen anyone else training roaches? this is the Alpha Male, and he knows tricks. Will do anything for a piece of carrot :roll: :wink:

Posted: 07 Feb 2004, 23:38
by Barbie
Sid, do you ever get the feeling you might have a wee bit too much time on your hands? :lol:


Posted: 08 Feb 2004, 00:29
by spikythefish

Posted: 08 Feb 2004, 01:57
by muridae
Nice looking bugs, Sid. 8) It looks like your smithi is kicking hairs at you in that pic.

Posted: 08 Feb 2004, 02:41
by Steen

Nice smithi; have one myself and also B. boehmei, emilia, albopilosa and aureum a.o.
Good suplement to the pleco's...

Posted: 08 Feb 2004, 10:45
by sidguppy
Sid, do you ever get the feeling you might have a wee bit too much time on your hands?
but I can spoil it and tell you the reason why I have time for both fish and critters:
NO wife
NO kids, not planning any (and luckily too old to start now!)
NO marriage or ex-
NO relationship, and like to keep it that way!

less hassle! and I haven't heard the roaches, spiders and other vermin complaining about music, my guitarplaying, coming home sodden drunk after a good rockshow or the choice of TV-programs......

aaaahhhhhhhhhh relaxing :twisted: :roll: :wink:

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 03:57
by Dinyar
I don't see why playing with insects is any more of a waste of time than playing with fish, as most of the people who frequent this forum do. Certainly a more productive way to spend time, IMO, than the kinds of things most adults do, including watching TV, shopping for unnecessary things, drinking, etc.


Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 10:22
by sidguppy
I'll second that anytime!

I enjoy my bugs almost as much as my fish, but never fear; catfish stick at no#1, and will continue to do so.

To "protect" myself from the urge of collecting too much (because all breed like rabbits too!), I only have fish at my home; ALL the bugs are now at work!
When getting new ones, or trading, I bring some home in temporary housings, but pretty soon they'll move.
And I only keep very sturdy, 'easy to take care of'-species.

It's definitely rewarding, the kids love 'em, although many -esp most girls- are grossed out, of course.