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Thought I'd share my new Pleco~ L333

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 03:55
by turbokev

(my 'common' checking out his new tank mate)

It was sold to me as a Scribble Pleco, but posters over at PlecoFanatics pointed out it has golden eyes, not black. It's common name is Goldline Tiger Pleco and it's L# is L333

Looking around here at PC, I found several pictures of L66 that look just like my guy?

opinions? Do you think this is L066 or L333?


Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 05:10
by kwalker
Do you think this is L066 or L333?

it seems to me to be L66. the striped pattern seems narrow like the l-66, where the striped pattern on the l-333 is wider and more defined. i hope this helps.

on a side note. the first picture there is very nice and you may consider entering it the planet catfish photo contest.

good day
ken walker

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 05:13
by kwalker
i got that backwards, i meant to say looks like L-333. the wider more distinct pattern.

ken walker

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 11:23
by turbokev
Thanks Ken..

The general feeling on the couple boards I posted this is that L066 has black eyes and a slightly more narrow stripe pattern.. the L333 has golden eyes (like mine)


Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 14:56
by azn_phil
nice grab! i'm sure this guy was well worth the price if it was sold as a scribble (not that scribbles are cheap! but this guy should be more expensive!)

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 16:12
by turbokev
He's 4.5 inches long and was $24.99 US

It was a fair price for what I think is a stunning Pleco :D

Any ideas on sex? They had another one just like this one in the same "scribble" tank that was almost identical, but was slightly more yellow/golden.

He didn't seem interested in the algea tablets I dropped in this morning that my common Pleco loves. But, it has been less than 24 hours so it might take a couple days for him to settle into his new world.

Here's the tank~ 36 gallon bowfront.

Just before filling it up~


and now full~


Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 16:17
by Caol_ila
Nice fish!
He didn't seem interested in the algea tablets I dropped in this morning
And he never will be as Hypancistrus prefer meaty diets. Check the L46 sites/info on how to feed them.

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 20:10
by Barbie
Hi Kev,

I'd like to second that, he's a very nice fish, and a great picture. Definitely please enter it in the photo contest. Rusty had a delay of scripting for the contest to be put up, so there's a few days left. You can find the information about the contest down in the announcements forum (where to send the picture and what not). $25 dollars is a great price for L333, so picking up the other one probably wouldn't be a bad idea, at that price! Did you just recently set the tank up for them?


Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 21:55
by turbokev
Thanks :D

The tank is fairly new. We only have my common Pleco, a Tetra and a Khuli loach in it.

I knew I wanted to find a more unusual smaller Pleco to put in the tank, but I had no idea I'd find something so cool so soon!

I don't plan on putting too much else in here.. a few marble hatchet fish and a couple aqua rainbow fish and I'll be done.

I am giving thought to bringing my common Pleco back to the petstore and getting the other L333. My bigger Pleco is already almost 8 inches long and will grow much larger in this tank I'm sure. I had no idea they got so big, or I wouldn't have bought him in the forst place.

Maybe I'll send that picture in.. I may take a few more tonight to see if I can get a better shot with the dorsal up ~

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 23:04
by Barbie
The reason I asked about the tank was to check and see if it was already cycled? Your new L333 won't see much humor in ammonia or nitrite levels. I'm assuming you have another tank set up in the house already? The common will definitely get too large for the tank in your picture, IME.


Posted: 06 Feb 2004, 07:22
by Crazie.Eddie
Did you get it online or LFS? The reason I ask is I put one on hold and it's close to $90 (USD) at an LFS near my place. I found one at, that's cheap, but I haven't heard from them in awhile, so I might just give up on them.

I'm looking for other places. If it's an LFS, can you ask if they will ship?

Also, what have you been feeding it?

Posted: 06 Feb 2004, 08:01
by Barbie
If frybabies didn't return your email, its a safe bet they didn't get it, or didn't get the fish you were asking about in yet. I do know she'll be getting a shipment in this weekend from South America. She gets deluged with email at times, but she never ignores any of them that I've heard of. I've purchased literally hundreds of fish from them.


Posted: 06 Feb 2004, 14:58
by Gabriel
I don't plan on putting too much else in here.. a few marble hatchet fish and a couple aqua rainbow fish and I'll be done.
I'm not sure what you mean by "aqua" rainbowfish, but if you're thinking of Melanotaenia lacustris or turquoise rainbowfish, you may want to consider another species. They get too big for a 36--about five inches long--and like all schooling fish, they really need to be in a school of at least 6 to be really happy and show their best colors and behavior. They also need drastically different conditions from hatchetfish--M. lacustris do best in cooler (about 72F), slightly alkaline, slightly hard water, whereas hatchets, which are delicate, really need warmer (about 78F), slightly acidic, softer water in order to thrive. The rainbows would also probably be too boisterous for the hatchets, which are high-strung, fragile little fish--the hatchets might be prone to leap out of the tank if they get too rattled.

I'd just get some more of the tetra you already have--6 to 12, depending on the species and size. You'll see more interesting behavior if you have a school instead of just one or two, and they'll be much more compatible, in terms of water parameters, with what you already have.

If you have your heart set on rainbowfishes, praecox or "dwarf neon" rainbows, Melanotaenia praecox. would be a better bet. They're a beautiful sky-blue with red fins, so you still have a lovely fish, they stay smaller (about 2.5-3"), and they do well in slightly soft, neutral to slightly acid water. And unlike lacustris--although they're also generally very peaceful--they won't view a very small tetra as a potential meal when they reach full size.

Posted: 06 Feb 2004, 21:55
by Fish Soup
I have to agree with Barbie about frybabies. I emailed Julie just last night about shipping charges. Had my answer this morning when I got up. I live about an hour or so from her but have been unable to free myself from the day job for the road trip. Since I live close to Philly airport, she offered to meet me when she does an airport run! Now that's great service! And from all reports, great fish too!

BTW Barbie, I'm getting a trio of the L260's. Wanted them for a while, but your breeding report on this forum is what got me wanting them NOW. Hope you keep updating that info.


Posted: 06 Feb 2004, 22:39
by Barbie
5 of my L260 originally came from Julie, actually. Now that I've got this trio spawning, I need to get my tanks shuffled around and set up the other trio. I may put them all in a 40 gallon breeder, with a divider in the center and a trio on each side so I can stimulate them with the rainy season, all at the same time. I'm currently waiting on delivery of a 180 gallon tank I'm getting from a friend. That will free up quite a bit of tank space, AND finally put me over the 1000 gallon mark, hehe. I think I'm addicted!

Julie's always been great to me. This is actually the very first complaint I've ever heard about her, so definitely mail her again.


Posted: 07 Feb 2004, 01:21
by Barbie
I just talked to Julie a few minutes ago, and she forwarded me a copy of your email. Due to the questions and requests for additional pictures and what not for the 3 plecos you were interested in, I don't know exactly why you felt that you weren't being treated as a priority. Are you sure you want to pay 50-60 dollars next day shipping for 3 fish?

I wanted to get to the bottom of any problems, as I've seriously never heard a single complaint from anyone that I'd referred to her. Imagine my surprise when I noticed the date and time you mailed her was less than a day from when you stated you "hadn't heard back from them".

Selling fish is her business, and she does a very good job of it, IMO, but in doing so, receiving and taking care of the fish is a large part of her priority. I'm sure she'll reply as soon as she can get you all the additional information you asked for. On a side note, much of that information is available in the catelog.


Posted: 07 Feb 2004, 20:31
by turbokev
Thank you for the replies and advise everyone..

After researching the rainbowfish more, I see what you mean. I will have to save them for the next time I upgrade to a larger tank :wink:

My larger common pleco was getting a little aggressive towards my new out of the tank he came. He's relegated to a 10G till I can give him back to the LFS. I called them and asked them if that would be OK, and they said sure. I also asked them to put aside the other Pleco like mine because I'm going to take that one too. :D A couple of 5" - 6" versions like mine will suit the tank so much better than a large common.

I will ask if they ship, I was told on the phone that they have 6 more of the same kind I bought.

So for now, it'll just be the 2 L333s and 2 Khuli Loaches that live in this tank till I can decide what sort of tankmates I'd like to see in there with them that will be compatible.. I really want a small school of something.. but something with at least some color. I'll oook into those suggested.

Posted: 08 Feb 2004, 02:20
by Gabriel
You're welcome. :D And by the way, those are some mighty pretty pl*cos. :wink:

If you're still interested in rainbows, a good website for rainbowfish information is Adrian Tappin's site, Home of the Rainbowfish, at