Urgent help needed
Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 19:00
1. Water parameters
a) Temerature range. 78 - 79
b) pH. 8.1
c) GH. 20 ppm
d) KH 150 ppm
e)Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, leavels. all over the place -
07/01/04 - NH3 0.1 ppm NO2 <0.1 ppm NO3 3 ppm 20% water change
09/01/04 - NH3 0.2 ppm NO2 0.1 ppm NO3 3 ppm 50% water change
20/01/04 - NH3 2.4 ppm!! NO2 0.5 ppm!! NO3 20ppm!! 60% water change
21/01/04 - NH3 1.2 ppm NO2 0.6 ppm NO3 20 ppm 50% water change
22/01/04 - NH3 0.5 ppm NO2 0.3 ppm NO3 7 ppm 50% water change
23/01/04 - NH3 0.3 ppm NO2 0.3 ppm NO3 7 ppm 65% water change
25/01/04 - NH3 0.1 ppm NO2 0.1 ppm NO3 4 ppm 30% water change
27/01/04 - NH3 0.1 ppm NO2 0.1 ppm NO3 5 ppm 30% water change
29/01/04 - didn't test but did 50% water change to prepare for dosing (see treatment)
01/02/04 - NH3 0.1 ppm NO2 0.2 ppm NO3 7 ppm (no water change as still dosing)
03/02/04 - NH3 0.1 ppm NO2 0.4 ppm NO3 30 ppm!!! (final day of dosing but levels demanded immediate 50% water change anyways)
f) Water change frequency following 09/01/04 water change resumed normal weekly water change of 25%. As of 20/01/04 schedule dictated by water levels (see above)
(Most LFS's will check your water and give a list of readings).
2. Tank set up
a) Size. 5.5 gallon (25 gallon normally but awaiting repair)
b) Substrate. silica sand
c) Filtration. AquaClear Mini
d) Furnishings. half of an unglazed terracotta pot, lots of plastic plants & bubble wall
e) Other tank mates. 2 Corydoras panda, 1 Corydoras jullii & 2 Corydoras paleatus
f) How long has it been set-up? 3rd of January 2003 - used filter foam from cycled tank
3. Symptoms / Problem description - 23 Jan - noticed signs of barbel erosion on smallest Panda & Jullii, Jullii also showed a bit of red streaking & split on pectoral fins and seemed lethargic and had clamped fins. Barbel erosion greatly improved with water changes, use of MelaFix and addition of Tubifex worms to nightly feedings.
29 Jan - red streaking noticed to be severly worse as it had spread to the underside of the Jullii and into all her fins, also the 2 Peppers showed similar symptoms (belly, fins) and Pandas slightly on pectoral fins.
4. Action taken (if any) 23 Jan - added 25 drops BettaFix (as it's a less concentrated form of MelaFix and was unsure on Cories handling the Melaleuca (BettaFix 0.2% MelaFix 1.0%)
24 - 27 Jan - daily dose of 1/4 tsp. MelaFix (since they did fine with the lower concentration I wanted to be more aggressive)
29 Jan - added carbon to filter, removed a few hours later and dosed with KANACYN (by Aquatronics) at 1/2 capsule (recommended dose by manufacturer)
31 Jan - 2nd dose of Kanacyn at 1/2 capsule (as directed by manufacturer)
02 Feb - 3rd (and final) dose of Kanacyn at 1/2 capsule (again as directed)
5. Medications used (if any) (oops, see Action taken)
Both Pandas and Peppers are doing well and active and eating fine. Jullii is very lethargic, not eating (that is seen - although no visible weight loss), slightly less amount of red streaking but still present and breathing very rapidly.
I forgot to mention that this tank has been having a bacterial bloom (white cloudy water) since the 20 Jan when water changes were increased and it has greatly increased since use of Kanacyn began ... too many water changes causing this plus the medication?
I want to do whatever is needed to save these guys! The Jullii is obviously of my most concern at the moment. Any advise on medication, actions to be taken, changes made ... PLEASE advise and I will do whatever I can to follow the recommendations.
THANK YOU SO MUCH in advance,
a) Temerature range. 78 - 79
b) pH. 8.1
c) GH. 20 ppm
d) KH 150 ppm
e)Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, leavels. all over the place -
07/01/04 - NH3 0.1 ppm NO2 <0.1 ppm NO3 3 ppm 20% water change
09/01/04 - NH3 0.2 ppm NO2 0.1 ppm NO3 3 ppm 50% water change
20/01/04 - NH3 2.4 ppm!! NO2 0.5 ppm!! NO3 20ppm!! 60% water change
21/01/04 - NH3 1.2 ppm NO2 0.6 ppm NO3 20 ppm 50% water change
22/01/04 - NH3 0.5 ppm NO2 0.3 ppm NO3 7 ppm 50% water change
23/01/04 - NH3 0.3 ppm NO2 0.3 ppm NO3 7 ppm 65% water change
25/01/04 - NH3 0.1 ppm NO2 0.1 ppm NO3 4 ppm 30% water change
27/01/04 - NH3 0.1 ppm NO2 0.1 ppm NO3 5 ppm 30% water change
29/01/04 - didn't test but did 50% water change to prepare for dosing (see treatment)
01/02/04 - NH3 0.1 ppm NO2 0.2 ppm NO3 7 ppm (no water change as still dosing)
03/02/04 - NH3 0.1 ppm NO2 0.4 ppm NO3 30 ppm!!! (final day of dosing but levels demanded immediate 50% water change anyways)
f) Water change frequency following 09/01/04 water change resumed normal weekly water change of 25%. As of 20/01/04 schedule dictated by water levels (see above)
(Most LFS's will check your water and give a list of readings).
2. Tank set up
a) Size. 5.5 gallon (25 gallon normally but awaiting repair)
b) Substrate. silica sand
c) Filtration. AquaClear Mini
d) Furnishings. half of an unglazed terracotta pot, lots of plastic plants & bubble wall
e) Other tank mates. 2 Corydoras panda, 1 Corydoras jullii & 2 Corydoras paleatus
f) How long has it been set-up? 3rd of January 2003 - used filter foam from cycled tank
3. Symptoms / Problem description - 23 Jan - noticed signs of barbel erosion on smallest Panda & Jullii, Jullii also showed a bit of red streaking & split on pectoral fins and seemed lethargic and had clamped fins. Barbel erosion greatly improved with water changes, use of MelaFix and addition of Tubifex worms to nightly feedings.
29 Jan - red streaking noticed to be severly worse as it had spread to the underside of the Jullii and into all her fins, also the 2 Peppers showed similar symptoms (belly, fins) and Pandas slightly on pectoral fins.
4. Action taken (if any) 23 Jan - added 25 drops BettaFix (as it's a less concentrated form of MelaFix and was unsure on Cories handling the Melaleuca (BettaFix 0.2% MelaFix 1.0%)
24 - 27 Jan - daily dose of 1/4 tsp. MelaFix (since they did fine with the lower concentration I wanted to be more aggressive)
29 Jan - added carbon to filter, removed a few hours later and dosed with KANACYN (by Aquatronics) at 1/2 capsule (recommended dose by manufacturer)
31 Jan - 2nd dose of Kanacyn at 1/2 capsule (as directed by manufacturer)
02 Feb - 3rd (and final) dose of Kanacyn at 1/2 capsule (again as directed)
5. Medications used (if any) (oops, see Action taken)
Both Pandas and Peppers are doing well and active and eating fine. Jullii is very lethargic, not eating (that is seen - although no visible weight loss), slightly less amount of red streaking but still present and breathing very rapidly.
I forgot to mention that this tank has been having a bacterial bloom (white cloudy water) since the 20 Jan when water changes were increased and it has greatly increased since use of Kanacyn began ... too many water changes causing this plus the medication?
I want to do whatever is needed to save these guys! The Jullii is obviously of my most concern at the moment. Any advise on medication, actions to be taken, changes made ... PLEASE advise and I will do whatever I can to follow the recommendations.
THANK YOU SO MUCH in advance,