Overly aggressive PIctus???

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Overly aggressive PIctus???

Post by jayjr98 »

I have a 55 gallon tank with 3 albino tiger barbs (very peaceful... unusual from what I read), 3 tin-foil barbs, 3 pictus, and 1 pleco.

One of the pictus beats up on the other two constantly..... he tries to claim all of the "hide-outs" as his.. and there is plenty of driftwood all across the tank to hide under.

Is this fish always going to be aggressive or would adding more pictus... 2 or 3 more actually calm him down .. or would it just give him more fish to bully... Other than that, all these fish get along fine.

My albino tiger barbs are very peaceful... shouldn't they be the same temperment as regular tiger barbs.... i.e. very aggressive?

Also, I tried putting live plants in my tank, but my 3 tinfoils completely shred them all within hours... is there any live plant that my tinfoil barbs will leave alone??

And last question.. what is the real name of the 4-line pim species?? Is is the pimellodus blochi??
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Post by Silurus »

Adding more pictus should help. Rearrange the tank decor at the same time, and this will help by leveling the playing field.
And yes, the 4-line pim is P. blochii.
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Post by Silurus »

BTW, tinfoil barbs are a bad idea for your tank. They grow way too big for your tank and as you mention, like to chew on plants.
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