Aquarium Basics or Advanced Information
Posted: 17 Sep 2024, 07:39
Would it be reasonable for all of us to begin developing a new category in the top left that is devoted to helping new aquarists set up their aquariums solely for Catfish? I feel as though this would be extra helpful for even some advanced aquarists who don't know everything yet, and as much as I would like to say I do myself, I don't know all the basics. It is still quite reasonable to just head over to some other website I suppose, but do we want to create a reputable source of information? The last site I used to be a part of that had that kind of thing was and that site was practically abandoned. It had basically everything and now I think it's being hacked or its systems aren't being maintained properly. It's sad really. I used to know some really active people and then they disappeared. is pretty good now. I am just hoping for a new site with some extra information on the actual fish tanks and not just the Catfish, but is this site primarily about the fish or the aquariums in the first place? I'm basically suggesting a new massive project that might take a year or two, but everything on the site seems like it's pretty great right now, I'm just saying that it seems to be missing the basics on aquaria in general. Not every site has all the good, reputable information we all like to try and find nowadays.