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ID please? I'm wondering if it's Spinipterus acsi or moijiri

Posted: 28 Aug 2024, 01:33
by bekateen
Found these in one of the wet lab tanks at ARCOF. I think it's two females maybe in the genus Spinipterus. Maybe ? I've had before and these look different to me, but it might be that too. They are sold around here.
Cheers, Eric

Re: ID please? I'm wondering if it's Spinipterus acsi or moijiri

Posted: 28 Aug 2024, 15:27
by bekateen
Here's better photos. The thin one (first photo) looks like Spinipterus moijiri to me. The fatter fish (second and third photos) IDK. Maybe a poorly colored S. moijiri? Or is that S. acsi?

Re: ID please? I'm wondering if it's Spinipterus acsi or moijiri

Posted: 29 Aug 2024, 15:36
by Fallen_Leaves16
I've never seen acsi in person; for being the 'original' Spinipterus, getting solid info about them is surprisingly difficult.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say the fish in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th pictures were S. moijiri; problem is, I've never seen substantial pattern variation in the few times I've seen moijiri- and the spots look rather "off" to me.
I definitely wouldn't be comfortable calling them moijiri, but I don't know enough about acsi to call them that, either.
Definitely looks like some species of Spinipterus from the fin spines, at least.
Did they provide any collection data?

Re: ID please? I'm wondering if it's Spinipterus acsi or moijiri

Posted: 31 Aug 2024, 10:17
by Jools
The whole caudal fin is spotted in S. moijiri and sporadically spotted in S. acsi plus the latter is a bit more brown / generally lower contrasting "colours". Having kept both I know they do change from really quite light colour / high contrast to very low contrast in sparse/light/stress situations versus lots of wood, dim, settled environment.

