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Failure of occurrence edit screen to display current water bodies

Posted: 19 Aug 2024, 22:59
by bekateen
Hi Jools,

While editing occurrence data on one CLOG page, I noticed that existing occurrence data do not display their body of water names in the fields. Instead, now the fields display "Unset" and the existing data is pushed to the grey background field to the right and displayed as "was ABC" (demonstrating in fact that the field is NOT "unset"). In the past, if my memory isn't failing me, these fields would all be filled with the water body name instead of saying "Unset".

Of course, this text to the right of the field still informs the editor that there is data there, but my concern is that since the editable fields display "Unset", they might get unintentionally overwritten by anyone who unwittingly puts a new body of water in the first field.

Is the display change intentional? Is it just an unavoidable consequence of the recent updates to the website code?
