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Corydoras sick: how to end it ?

Posted: 10 Aug 2024, 17:01
by kiwidu21
I am currently suffering from the damage of a disease, which I think, arrived during the introduction of several corydoras to which I did not quarantine (and which were the first to have the symptoms) more than a year ago.
Today, I have 3 affected tanks, each time it is the corydoras (the other species in the same tank are not affected). So they are panda, sterbai and duplicareus corydoras which all present the same symptoms: weight loss, whitening and sometimes bristling scales / bulging or sunken eyes.
I did a treatment with esha 2000 and esha ndx but it seems to have no effect.
However, everything points me towards an intestinal worm disease. As I regularly give frozen bloodworms and my tanks run on rainwater (unfiltered), is it possible that the problem comes from there?
I don't really know what to do anymore and I admit that I'm fed up with losing my fish because of a single disease that I can't eradicate.

Could someone clearly identify it and prescribe the appropriate remedy?

I should point out that I haven't noticed anything abnormal in terms of parameters. The tanks are currently running at around 27°C because of the heatwave (they are usually around 24°C).

Thanks in advance[/youtube][/youtube]

Re: Corydoras sick: how to end it ?

Posted: 15 Aug 2024, 10:30
by kiwidu21
Nobody ?

Re: Corydoras sick: how to end it ?

Posted: 15 Aug 2024, 14:23
by bekateen
Hi kiwidu21,

I've never seen this specific thing in corys, but I agree with you that it appears to be an internal parasite. Since you're in France, I don't know what kind of antiparasite meds you have access to, but if you have multiple fish with the same condition, I would definitely remove the healthy fish and isolate them to another tank.

I say isolate the healthy fish, because if this is a parasite that can be spread, it is likely that some developmental stage of the parasite is in the tank, so if you leave the healthy fish in the same tank, they may get infected even if you remove the sick fish.

Good luck,

Re: Corydoras sick: how to end it ?

Posted: 16 Aug 2024, 03:47
by TwoTankAmin
I would be inclined to try Flubendazole. I have this and have used it successfully to treat wasting disease. Have a read here

As for how to find Flubendazole in France I cannot say. But it is available in Europe.

Lernex in the Netherlands sells it.
As Fluke Off in the UK.
Kusuri Sales Ltd in The UK sells it as an Aquarium discus & tropical fish wormer they also sell is as Fluke-M.
NT Labs, Tonbridge, Kent in the UK sells it as Aquarium Anti-Fluke & Wormer #11, Koi Care Flukasol and Marine Anti-Fluke & Wormer.

Re: Corydoras sick: how to end it ?

Posted: 16 Aug 2024, 07:37
by kiwidu21
Hello, thank you for your answers.
So I will separate the fish that seem healthy to me. For those with symptoms, can I put them all in a hospital tank? Or do I still have to separate them according to the original tank?
If the treatment is available in Europe, I should be able to get it. Thank you very much.

Edit:I found this which contains the substance. However it is in tablet form. How should I dose it?