My L083? just turned 1 year old.. Need advice on bigger tank

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2004, 18:49
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Interests: Auto racing, Slot cars, and Plecos

My L083? just turned 1 year old.. Need advice on bigger tank

Post by turbokev »

This is "Gilly", my common Pleco.


I got him last January to go in the 10 gallon tank my wife gave me for Christmas. I didn't know anything about keeping fish and over the last year I've learned a little bit more and we have really enjoyed having the tank.

This past week I decided we could fit a larger tank in a corner of our family room, so I bought a 36 gallon acrylic bow front that is 32"w by 21"h and 16"d in the center.

I plan on setting up the new tank with very small gravel this time..not quite sand, but maybe 1 - 2 mm. I also plan on using some driftwood, slate rock, and some live plants.

I have this Pleco and a Coolie Loach that will be making the trip to the new tank.

I'd like a small school (like 8-10) of marble hatchet fish as top swimmers and another Pleco or 2 of a smaller size (mine is 7" and growing) for the bottom.

I'm kind of stumped on what to put in the middle? I'd like a couple "substantial" fish..not Neons or Tetras..but something 4" - 6" or so that are relatively calm and look nice in the tank..

Suggestions appreciated on compatible mid swimmers and Pleco types to keep my eyes open for that will make good tank mates for what I have.

Thanks for you time..I've been having fun reading almost all day :D
Kev Schofield
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