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Potassium permanganate and South Am. Species
Posted: 12 Nov 2023, 21:04
by Pleko_Fur777
Hi everyone. I was wondering how many people here use Potassium Permanganate in early stages of QT for new Corydoras and Plecos? Can anyone share their experience(s)? Thanks
Re: Potassium permanganate and South Am. Species
Posted: 12 Nov 2023, 22:19
by bekateen
Hi Pleko_Fur777,
I never use Potassium permanganate as a QT. It's a very strong drug and can be very harmful to fishes. I won't say I'm the best example of how to QT, but I think most people stay away from that because of its toxicity.
Re: Potassium permanganate and South Am. Species
Posted: 13 Nov 2023, 16:24
by Viktor Jarikov
We routinely use PP to treat incoming fish before QT or even bypassing QT. Not on cories (we don't deal with them) but many times on common pleco from 6" to ~2ft. We use the commonly suggested concentrations for short term baths in the 2 to 10 ppm, sometimes up to 25-50 ppm, depending on the fish, where it came from, what it can handle, how long a bath it can handle.
Re: Potassium permanganate and South Am. Species
Posted: 15 Nov 2023, 07:57
by Bas Pels
PP als Victor named the stuff, is a fierce oxydator. That is, it will cause certain harm to tissue, and this harm is intended to kill parasites and deseases, while the fish will survive this.
Still, all fish are especially vulnerable in their gills. And in case one would use PP - please provide the fish afterwards with the best circumstances. That is, clean water in order to get the most oxygen in the water and plenty oxygen in the water.
Further I would recommend hiding places. Lack of these - especially for catfish, that is, hiding fishes, this lack will cause stress, and stress slows all healing - not good when you know the fish will need some healing.
Obviously, in a quarantaine tank one would like to be able to see the fish, in order to assess whehter they are still healthy, but I think reducing stress should take prevenlance
Re: Potassium permanganate and South Am. Species
Posted: 16 Nov 2023, 01:53
by Viktor Jarikov
Very good and agreeable tips.