Pleco from Central America

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Pleco from Central America

Post by Luigi »

Hello guys,
I’m working on a new 400L (Oase Highline 400), and I plan on stocking with a group of 6 T. Meeki and maybe a pair of Nicaraguensis and big tetras.
My main question is: is there a list of pleco or equivalent that are from Central America? Would love to have your suggestions so I can find what I like the most!
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Re: Pleco from Central America

Post by bekateen »

Hi Luigi,

The only native loricariid as far north as Costa Rica or El Salvador is . There are no native loricariids further north. There is at least one Rhamdia species as far north as Mexico, .

That said, I don't think of either of your cichlid species as great "community tank" fish and I'm concerned that they would be too aggressive, at least for Rineloricaria, in a confined space like an aquarium.

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Re: Pleco from Central America

Post by Jools »

Hi Luigi,

The family page has a map which you can explore. There's nothing really from this region you will find in a fish store. Maybe consider spp. from Northern or Southern South America that like it a bit cooler? Even the good old common Ancistrus would be a good choice with the other fishes here.

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Re: Pleco from Central America

Post by Bas Pels »

As Jools indicated, there are no Lorricarids from your area, only a few species from Panama excist - and these are not available. You would have to go to Panama yourself to get them. Costa Rica has an export ban on all wild cought animals, so that would not help.

The common Ancisturs would be your best option. Pterogoblichthys is also poosible, but these grow far too big for a 400 L tank - I'd suggest a 1000 L tank orbigger for them. I have combined these species with Central American cichlids, and they do splendid.

On another note, T meeki and H nicaraguensae both are bottom oriented species. You might rather combine either one of them with Cryptroheros, Herotilapia or othe smaller species instead.
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