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Is it all in my head?? or what?

Posted: 24 Jan 2004, 22:39
by windgirl
Ok guys, I've been wanting to write about this one corie (I've decided hes a boy ... as I think I have two boys and a girl albino corys ... one is bigger then the others and is slightly more filled out). Well, this little guy hangs off by himself most of the time, I have the impression the cories hang in groups? Well, a few days ago (when the pic below was taken) the little guy was not very active and stayed under and around a plastic plant all day. At feeding time the other two went crazy looking for the food, this guy just sat there.

As for water sadly this time I didn't do a test and it wasn't until after a water change that I noticed the little guy being so distant and not at all active as his pals. I also noticed him take a few trips to the surface for air. He didn't seem to be eating that day. I couldn't write the same day so fearing the worst I moved him to the floating box I have for the guppies to have their fry. I figured this would give him peace and let him get to the surface easier. He seemed yellowish compared to his mate who had more pink on them.

A few says later he seems to be eating again, still in the box tho. I'm thinking of moving him back, but Does anyone know what might have been wrong with him.

To guess on the water testing, I test three days before I did the water change and notice the cory not looking well. Ammoina was 0, nitrite 1.0 and ph 8.0 ... I'm in the middle of a nitrite spike, trying hard to encourage the cycle. Anyway, there is a pic of the little guy, do you see anything wrong? When I was really looking and comparing him to the other cories the only other differance (besides the more yellowish look) I noticed the "rays" on his flippers looked thicker at the ends then the other cories. Well heres the pic. Is he sick, anti social or what?


Thanks beck.

Posted: 24 Jan 2004, 23:46
by magnum4
Nitrite does more internal damage than external visable marking show, espially at 1ppm or the lower end of the scale. water changes as often as possible and when the spike is over and tank settled buy some more corys as two is not a group.

Oh yeah

Posted: 25 Jan 2004, 03:01
by windgirl
I am doing frequent water changes now that I know the cycle isn't over yet. :-(

And I have three cories ... once I move the brushynose back to the 20G I do plan to add more cories ... but I have no idea now many I can have in a 10G. So far the "sick" cory is acting better, but he's still in the floating box (I put in some plants on the one end to give him cover).

I just pray he isn't sick ... and if the nitrite did anything I hope he recovers. For now I'm going to do water changes every other day ... I heard it was bad to do them everyday if you want your tank to cycle.

Any other ideas on what might be wrong with this guy (as the other two are fine),

Posted: 26 Jan 2004, 03:04
by jackson827
hi, I think if your filter is good enough you can keep 15 cories in 10G tank.
Remeber they like fresh water and you should change water at least once a week 20%--30% every time. Increase the current in your tank, cories likes it.
cories love sandy gravel and don't like plants. Try to give them much more area on the bottom and feed them different kind of food. ( bloodworm+prepared cory food )

Posted: 26 Jan 2004, 15:53
by Fish Demon
Actually, many corys love plants.

I have open areas and densely planted areas in my tank, and the corys always prefer to sit in the densely planted areas.

They do like to come out into the open areas to play and eat, however.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Posted: 26 Jan 2004, 16:15
by Fiskars the Whiskers
Is your little guy looking any better now?


Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 00:49
by windgirl
Well, the little guy isn't dead ... but No he looks and acts no different then that day he started hiding. The only time he's really active is during water changes (I'm doing them daily since I'm still having nitrite troubles). I don't know if he's hungry because I was told not to feed the fish for a while. He's still just sitting there, and looks rather thin too (from above just his tail, the other two have a more smooth drop like shap from above).

Although I'm starting to worry about the others two now two, One thing I noticed about the little guy was his more whiteish appearance ... the other two looked more pickish (or should I say there skin looked clearish ... You can't see through them like a glass cat, but you could see inside them a little). Well The other two seem to be changing the whiter color the little guy is, so far they are acting normal ... but I'm worried.

Right now the ammonia and nitrite are both 0 ... I did a water change this morning, so these tests are a few hours after the change and I haven't been feeding the fish either.

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 02:45
by jackson827
Fish Demon wrote:Actually, many corys love plants.

I have open areas and densely planted areas in my tank, and the corys always prefer to sit in the densely planted areas.

They do like to come out into the open areas to play and eat, however.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Actually, they just like to hide. Cories are little bit nervous when people come near the tank and plant give them a place to hide. In my tank, i use a piece of wood to provide hiding place.

Albino Cory

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 10:42
by NEON98101
H. I am not cory expert or anything. As a matter fact that I do have no albino. I do have sme other thugh.
Anyway, I do have few question for you. 1) Did you get all 3 corys at same time, place? 2) How long have them? 3) Are they consider as adult? I know it sometime tough to get the informatin on the age of the cory unless you get them from the breeder or you breed yourself.

First I am not sure that all of your albino corys are same kind (Do you know there are more than 1kind of albino corys out there) There are Aneus, Paleatus and Sterbai in albino form. There are probably more but at least those 3 I know of. And I hear sometime first 2 mixed up in the shipment and sold as albino.
And second, each cory could have individual character and trait just like any living thng, some are more active and social than the other. And yet other is more shy or ant-isocial. And also sometime how they brought up(raised) affect their character also. They are generally speaking, social fish and recommend to be kept in group of several. But sometime people keep them small number like 1 or 2. And they become less active. Especially, keeping 1 is like solitary confinment. Think of it, that is like prison.

Anyway, my point is your cory might not be sick at all. He/she may different species(this is possibility since you mention the small difference of color) or just his/her character or may even developed anti-social character from the enviroment she/he was in growing. Or just plain old age.( I know this is not likely since you mention he/she is small)

If I were you, I would make sure they are the same species. Maybe post all of your corys picture for expert to determine. And all the other information(size, age, how long you have them, etc.)

I thought you might consider these possibility before medicate the fish. The fish may not sick at all.

My corys

Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 05:43
by windgirl
Yes, I never thought he could be a different sp. of cory then the other two ... I hope not tho. I got them all at the same time from the same tank Dec 26 2003. Age I blieve they are young ones ... they are all under one inch, from what I read most corys get closer to 1.5 -2 inchs.

Character ... yes I am learning that corys are just plain weird. that cory is still a slight differance in shade then the others but he's quite active now and then. He's got the other two playing his "swim like a guppy" game.

He still isn't as close as the other two are to each other ... I'll see if I take a photo of all three when they are resting and try for a accurate id on them.
Thanks for that thought.