Cory IDs please

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Cory IDs please

Post by MoonstruckRainbows »

I thought I'd asked here about these but it seems I haven't.
Got from a friend, who got them as Schwartzi (definitely not, no second black stripe).
I suspect a mixture of ambiacus and agassizii after speaking with people?
Although their side dots are in very uniform lines compared to pics on here of both those species.

I mostly need to confirm whether all 3 are in fact male, and not lineage 9, so they can't breed together or with my concolour. I'm having to downsize to one tank for health reasons and don't want the to produce hybrids.

Thank you in advance again for any help :)
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Re: Cory IDs please

Post by bekateen »

Hmmm. It looks like you have two (fish #1 and fish #3) and the other fish (fish #2) is either the same or is . There are a few C and CW numbers in this group that look similar.

I can't sex them from the photos.

Yes, if these are two species (I'm not convinced they are), there is a chance of hybridization between them. But, in my experience the lineage 8 subclass 4 corys aren't that easy to breed in the first place, so the odds of getting a spawn are pretty low anyway. Also, there's some conversation among scientists and hobbyists as to whether C. agassizii and C. ambiacus should be kept separate or should they be united in a single species, since each is so similar and both are variable... So are they the same thing?

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Re: Cory IDs please

Post by fishguy1978 »

Is it possible these are Corydoras (lineage 9) brevirostris? ... evirostris
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Re: Cory IDs please

Post by MoonstruckRainbows »

bekateen wrote: 17 Jan 2023, 21:26 Hmmm. It looks like you have two (fish #1 and fish #3) and the other fish (fish #2) is either the same or is . There are a few C and CW numbers in this group that look similar.

I can't sex them from the photos.

Yes, if these are two species (I'm not convinced they are), there is a chance of hybridization between them. But, in my experience the lineage 8 subclass 4 corys aren't that easy to breed in the first place, so the odds of getting a spawn are pretty low anyway. Also, there's some conversation among scientists and hobbyists as to whether C. agassizii and C. ambiacus should be kept separate or should they be united in a single species, since each is so similar and both are variable... So are they the same thing?

Cheers, Eric
Thank you for another response Eric!
I did think agassizii and ambiacus are so similar (to the extent even Cory people struggle to separate them when ID'ing) that it seems a bit crazy they aren't considered the same species. I feel a bit more relieved knowing they would generally be difficult to spawn even if they aren't all male (none have ever looked rounded or shown any signs my breeding groups generally do so I'm guessing all male).
They seem happy chaps living with my concolour, so they can live out their lives with them. Unless identical fish by some fluke chance happen to cross my path and then I'd be tempted!

fishguy1978 wrote: 17 Jan 2023, 21:48 Is it possible these are Corydoras (lineage 9) brevirostris? ... evirostris
I did consider these when I was searching through all the profiles, and was concerned as they are lineage 9 (there's a few similar in lin9, eek!) but marking wise mine seem to have alot less black on their top fins and backs, and mine have uniform dashed lines horizontally down their sides, whereas the ones you've linked, and the other lin9 that are similar, seem to have totally scattered dots with no pattern to them.
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Re: Cory IDs please

Post by fishguy1978 »

I think you are correct. I sat watching my C brevirostris and noted their spots do not form any obvious lines like your’s have.
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Re: Cory IDs please

Post by bekateen »

fishguy1978 wrote: 20 Jan 2023, 22:00I think you are correct. I sat watching my C brevirostris and noted their spots do not form any obvious lines like your’s have.
More directly, the fish in the photos above are straight snouted, high body corys (that's what puts them in Lineage 8). is a short and round snouted cory, so it's a Lineage 9 fish.

Cheers, Eric
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