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Listless Cories

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 17:19
by naturalart
I have a group of baby (1/2 inch) habrosus. They were lying on the bottom in the store and I was a little concerned. After acclimation and dropping them into new water, they went into scratching and darting about agitated. This behavior has lessened, and although they occasionally swim and eat, they have continued to lie on their bellies and slightly list to one side. I've seen this before and am thinking they have gill flukes. I used to use "Clout" to kill flukes. Are new things now on the market that might work better?

Re: Listless Cories

Posted: 14 Jan 2023, 22:47
by Captainandy

The a course of antibiotics like Furan2

Re: Listless Cories

Posted: 15 Jan 2023, 00:09
by naturalart
Thanks Captainandy, I've just started them on Praziquantel. If this doesn't work out, maybe fenbendazole will be next plan.