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A members area where you can introduce yourself, discuss anything outwith catfish and generally get to know each other.
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Posts: 2
Joined: 23 Jan 2004, 03:22
Location 1: Melbourne, Australia

Hi all

Post by Cam »

Hi, I'm a newbie here, just though I'd do a bit of an intro :wink:

I've got a 38g tank that I've had for about a year now. At the moment it contains:

1 Bala Shark(6")
1 Asian Bumblebee Catfish(6" approx. its very hard to actually measure him)
1 Bristlenose Catfish(3")
1 redtail shark(3")
1 rainbow shark(3")
1 Saddled Hillstream Loach(3")
4 whiteclouds
4 prestella tetras (were more but I'm fairly sure they fell victim to my bumblebee catfish)

My Bala shark and my two catfish are my favourites, I've raised all my fish since they were small (~ 2-4cm)
I would love to own a pleco of some description, but at this stage there's just not enough room to be adding more fish, and the cost of buying a pleco in Melbourne is going to mean that when I do actually get to buying one, I'm going to make sure its well looked after.

Anyways catchya all later
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