When do C. paleatus fry develop adult coloring?
Posted: 29 Jun 2022, 03:23
Hi folks,
A question from a novice cory keeper: when do C. paleatus usually develop their adult "pepper" coloring? I'm raising my first set of C. paleatus fry and right now they're getting big (larger than about 1.5 cm) but still look to me like a C. aeneus. I only had C. Paleatus in this tank so I'm hoping it's just a juvenile vs. adult coloration situation and not something odd in their genetics. Does this species only develop adult coloring later? I've only previously raised a few C. aeneus and C. sterbai fry so I don't have a comparison for paleatus. Thanks much and my pardon if I've missed a detailed forum on age/corydoras color dev't, still getting used to this fabulous large site of info.
A question from a novice cory keeper: when do C. paleatus usually develop their adult "pepper" coloring? I'm raising my first set of C. paleatus fry and right now they're getting big (larger than about 1.5 cm) but still look to me like a C. aeneus. I only had C. Paleatus in this tank so I'm hoping it's just a juvenile vs. adult coloration situation and not something odd in their genetics. Does this species only develop adult coloring later? I've only previously raised a few C. aeneus and C. sterbai fry so I don't have a comparison for paleatus. Thanks much and my pardon if I've missed a detailed forum on age/corydoras color dev't, still getting used to this fabulous large site of info.